Example code fragments

This topic contains two examples of components which obtain a message from the .NET Monitor and print it, one using transactional processing and the other non-transactional processing. A third example shows common utility routines, applicable to both the first two examples. All the examples are in C#.

Example 1: Transactional processing

/* Licensed materials, property of IBM                               */
/* 63H9336                                                           */
/* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2020                                */
using System;
using System.EnterpriseServices;

using IBM.WMQ;
using IBM.WMQMonitor;

[assembly: ApplicationName("dnmsamp")]

// build:
// csc -target:library -reference:amqmdnet.dll;amqmdnm.dll TranAssembly.cs
// run (with dotnet monitor)
// runmqdnm -m QMNAME -q QNAME -a dnmsamp.dll -c Tran

namespace dnmsamp
  public class Tran : ServicedComponent, IMQObjectTrigger
    Util util = null;

    public void Execute(MQQueueManager qmgr, MQQueue queue, 
        MQMessage message, string param)
      util = new Util("Tran");

      if (param != null)
        util.Print("PARAM: '" +param.ToString() + "'");
      //System.Console.WriteLine("SETTING ABORT");    
      //ContextUtil.MyTransactionVote = TransactionVote.Abort;

      System.Console.WriteLine("SETTING COMMIT");
      //ContextUtil.MyTransactionVote = TransactionVote.Commit;

Example 2: Non-transactional processing

/* Licensed materials, property of IBM                               */
/* 63H9336                                                           */
/* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2020                                */

using System;

using IBM.WMQ;
using IBM.WMQMonitor;

// build:
// csc -target:library -reference:amqmdnet.dll;amqmdnm.dll NonTranAssembly.cs
// run (with dotnet monitor)
// runmqdnm -m QMNAME -q QNAME -a dnmsamp.dll -c NonTran
namespace dnmsamp
  public class NonTran : IMQObjectTrigger
    Util util = null;

    public void Execute(MQQueueManager qmgr, MQQueue queue, 
        MQMessage message, string param)
      util = new Util("NonTran");


      catch (Exception ex)
        System.Console.WriteLine(">>> NonTran\n{0}", ex.ToString());

Example 3: Common routines

/* Licensed materials, property of IBM                               */
/* 63H9336                                                           */
/* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2020                                */

using System;

using IBM.WMQ;

namespace dnmsamp
	/// <summary>
	/// Summary description for Util.
	/// </summary>
	public class Util
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Default prefix string of the namespace.                               */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    private string prefixText = "dnmsamp";

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Constructor that takes the replacement prefix string to use.         */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    public Util(String text)
      prefixText = text;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Display an arbitrary string to the console.                          */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    public void Print(String text)
      System.Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}\n", prefixText, text);

 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Display the content of the message passed to the console.            */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    public void PrintMessage(MQMessage message)
      if (message.Format.CompareTo(MQC.MQFMT_STRING) == 0)
          string messageText = message.ReadString(message.MessageLength);

        catch(Exception ex)

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Convert the byte array into a hex string.                            */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    static public string ToHexString(byte[] byteArray)
      string hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";

      string retString = "";

      for(int i = 0; i < byteArray.Length; i++)
        int h = (byteArray[i] & 0xF0)>>4;
        int l = (byteArray[i] & 0x0F);

        retString += hex.Substring(h,1) + hex.Substring(l,1);

      return retString;