Preparing your program to run
After we have written the program for your IBM MQ application to create an executable application, we have to compile or assemble it, then link-edit the resulting object code with the stub program that IBM MQ for z/OS® supplies for each environment that it supports.
How you prepare your program depends on both the environment (batch, CICS®, IMS(BMP or MPP), Linux or UNIX System services) in which the application runs, and the structure of the data sets on your z/OS installation.
Dynamically calling the IBM MQ stub describes an alternative method of making MQI calls in your programs so that we do not need to link-edit an IBM MQ stub. This method is not available for all languages and environments.
Do not link-edit a higher level of stub program than that of the version of IBM MQ for z/OS on which your program is running. For example, a program running on MQSeries® for OS/390®, V5.2 must not be link-edited with a stub program supplied with IBM MQ for z/OS V7.