Preparing and running CICS and Tuxedo applications

To run CICSĀ® and Tuxedo applications as client applications, we use different libraries from those we use with server applications. The user ID under which the application runs is also different.

To prepare CICS and Tuxedo applications to run as IBM MQ MQI client applications, follow the instructions in the Configure an extended transactional client.

Note, however, that the information that deals specifically with preparing CICS and Tuxedo applications, including the sample programs supplied with IBM MQ, assumes that you are preparing applications to run on an IBM MQ server system. As a result, the information refers only to IBM MQ libraries that are intended for use on a server system. When you are preparing your client applications, you must do the following things:

  • Use the appropriate client system library for the language bindings that our application uses. For example:

    • For applications written in C on UNIX, use the library libmqic instead of libmqm.
    • On Windows systems, use the library mqic.lib instead of mqm.lib.
  • Instead of the server system libraries shown in Table 1 and Table 2, use the equivalent client system libraries. If a server system library is not listed in these tables, use the same library on a client system.
Table 1. Client system libraries on UNIX
Library for an IBM MQ server system Equivalent library to use on an IBM MQ client system
libmqmxa libmqcxa
Table 2. Client system libraries on Windows systems
Library for an IBM MQ server system Equivalent library to use on an IBM MQ client system
mqmxa.lib mqcxa.lib
mqmtux.lib mqcxa.lib
mqmenc.lib mqcxa.lib
mqmcics4.lib mqccics4.lib

The user ID used by a client application

When you run an IBM MQ server application under CICS, it normally switches from the CICS user to the user ID of the transaction. However, when you run an IBM MQ MQI client application under CICS, it retains the CICS privileged authority.