Subscription options
Several options are available that control the way message subscriptions are handled.
Message persistence
Queue managers maintain the persistence of the publications they forward to subscribers as set by the publisher. The publisher sets the persistence to be one of the following options:
- 0
- Nonpersistent
- 1
- Persistent
- 2
- Persistence as queue/topic definition
For publish/subscribe, the publisher resolves the topic object and topicString to a resolved topic object. If the publisher specifies Persistence as queue/topic definition, then the default persistence from the resolved topic object is set for the publication.
Retained publications
To control when retained publications are received, subscribers can use two subscription options:
- Publish on request only, MQSO_PUBLICATIONS_ON_REQUEST
If you want a subscriber to have control of when it receives publications we can use the MQSO_PUBLICATIONS_ON_REQUEST subscription option. A subscriber can then control when it receives publications by using the MQSUBRQ call (specifying the Hsub handle that was returned from the original MQSUB call) to request that it is sent a topic's retained publication. Subscribers using the MQSO_PUBLICATIONS_ON_REQUEST subscription option, do not receive any non-retained publications.
If you specify MQSO_PUBLICATIONS_ON_REQUEST you must use MQSUBRQ to retrieve any publication. If we do not use MQSO_PUBLICATIONS_ON_REQUEST you get messages as they are published.
If a subscriber uses the MQSUBRQ call and uses wildcards in the subscription's topic, the subscription might match multiple topics or nodes on a topic tree, all of which with retained messages (if any exist) will be sent to the subscriber.
This option can be particularly helpful when used with durable subscriptions because a queue manager will continue to send publications to a subscriber if it subscribed durably even if that subscriber application is not running. This could lead to a buildup of messages on the subscriber queue. This build up can be avoided if the subscriber registers using the MQSO_PUBLICATIONS_ON_REQUEST option. Alternatively, we can use non-durable subscriptions if appropriate to our application to avoid a build up of unwanted messages.
If a subscription is durable and a publisher uses retained publications the subscriber application can use the MQSUBRQ call to refresh its state information after a restart. The subscriber must then refresh its state periodically using the MQSUBRQ call.
No publications will be sent as a result of the MQSUB call using this option. A durable subscription that has been resumed following disconnection will use the MQSO_PUBLICATIONS_ON_REQUEST option if the original subscription was configured to use this option.
- New publications only, MQSO_NEW_PUBLICATIONS_ONLY
If a retained publication exists on a topic, any subscribers that make a subscription after the publication was made will receive a copy of that publication. If a subscriber does not want to receive any publications that were made earlier than the subscription being made, the subscriber can use the MQSO_NEW_PUBLICATIONS_ONLY subscription option.
Grouping subscriptions
Consider grouping subscriptions if we have set up a queue to receive publications and have a number of overlapping subscriptions feeding publications to the same queue. This situation is similar to the example in Overlapping subscriptions.
We can avoid receiving duplicate publications by setting the option MQSO_GROUP_SUB when you subscribe to a topic. The result is that when more than one subscription in the group matches the topic of a publication, only one subscription is responsible for placing the publication on the queue. The other subscriptions that matched the publication topic are ignored.
The subscription responsible for placing the publication on the queue is chosen on the basis that it has the longest matching topic string, before encountering any wildcards. It can be thought of as the closest matching subscription. Its properties are propagated to the publication, including whether it has the MQSO_NOT_OWN_PUBS property. If it does, no publication is delivered to the queue, even though other matching subscriptions might not have the MQSO_NOT_OWN_PUBS property.
We cannot place all your subscriptions in a single group to eliminate duplicate publications. Grouped subscriptions must fulfill these conditions:- None of the subscriptions are managed.
- A group of subscriptions deliver publications to the same queue.
- Each subscription must be at the same subscription level.
- The publication message for each subscription in the group has the same correlation identifier.
To ensure each subscription results in a publication message with the same correlation identifier, set MQSO_SET_CORREL_ID to create your own correlation identifier in the publication, and set the same value in the SubCorrelId field in each subscription. Do not set SubCorrelId to the value MQCI_NONE.