Credit application manager (CSQ4CVB2) on z/OS

The Credit Application Manager (CAM) program performs most of the processing for the Credit Check application.

The CAM is started by the CKTI trigger monitor (supplied with IBM MQ for z/OS) when a trigger event occurs on either queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.INQUIRY or queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.REPLY. n, where n is an integer that identifies one of a set of reply queues. The trigger message contains data that includes the name of the queue on which the trigger event occurred.

The CAM uses queues with names of the form CSQ4SAMP.B2.WAITING.n to store information about inquiries that it is processing. The queues are named so that they are each paired with a reply-to queue; for example, queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.WAITING.3 contains the input data for a particular inquiry, and queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.REPLY.3 contains a set of reply messages (from programs that query databases) all relating to that same inquiry. To understand the reasons behind this design, see Separate inquiry and reply queues in the CAM.

Startup logic

If the trigger event occurs on queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.INQUIRY, the CAM opens the queue for shared access. It then tries to open each reply queue until a free one is found. If it cannot find a free reply queue, the CAM logs the fact and terminates normally.

If the trigger event occurs on queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.REPLY.n, the CAM opens the queue for exclusive access. If the return code reports that the object is already in use, the CAM terminates normally. If any other error occurs, the CAM logs the error and terminates. The CAM opens the corresponding waiting queue and the inquiry queue, then starts getting and processing messages. From the waiting queue, the CAM recovers details of partially-completed inquiries.

For the sake of simplicity in this sample, the names of the queues used are held in the program. In a business environment, the queue names would probably be held in a file accessed by the program.

Get a message from the enquiry queue

The CAM first attempts to get a message from the inquiry queue using the MQGET call with the MQGMO_SET_SIGNAL option. If a message is available immediately, the message is processed; if no message is available, a signal is set.

The CAM then attempts to get a message from the reply queue, again using the MQGET call with the same option. If a message is available immediately, the message is processed; otherwise a signal is set.

When both signals are set, the program waits until one of the signals is posted. If a signal is posted to indicate that a message is available, the message is retrieved and processed. If the signal expires or the queue manager is terminating, the program terminates.

Processing the message retrieved by the CAM

A message retrieved by the CAM can be one of four types:

  • An inquiry message
  • A reply message
  • A propagation message
  • An unexpected or unwanted message
The CAM processes these messages as described in Processing the message retrieved by the CAM on z/OS.

Sending an answer

When the CAM has received all the replies it is expecting for an inquiry, it processes the replies and creates a single response message. It consolidates into one message all the data from all reply messages that have the same CorrelId. This response is put on the reply-to queue specified in the original loan request. The response message is put within the same unit of work that contains the retrieval of the final reply message. This is to simplify recovery by ensuring that there is never a completed message on queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.WAITING.n.

Recovery of partially-completed inquiries

The CAM copies onto queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.WAITING.n all the messages that it receives. It sets the fields of the message descriptor like this:

  • Priority is determined by the type of message:

    • For request messages, priority = 3
    • For datagrams, priority = 2
    • For reply messages, priority = 1
  • CorrelId is set to the MsgId of the loan request message
  • Other MQMD fields are copied from those of the received message

When an inquiry has been completed, the messages for a specific inquiry are removed from the waiting queue during answer processing. Therefore, at any time, the waiting queue contains all messages relevant to in-progress inquiries. These messages are used to recover details of in-progress inquiries if the program has to restart. The different priorities are set so that inquiry messages are recovered before propagations or reply messages.