User interface program (CSQ4CVB1) on z/OSĀ®
When you start the conversational-mode CICSĀ® transaction MVB1, this starts the user interface program for the application.
This program puts inquiry messages on queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.INQUIRY and gets replies to those inquiries from a reply-to queue that it specifies when it makes the inquiry. From the user interface we can submit either immediate or batch inquiries:- For immediate inquiries, the program creates a temporary dynamic queue that it uses as a reply-to queue. This means that each inquiry has its own reply-to queue.
- For batch inquiries, the user-interface program gets replies from the queue CSQ4SAMP.B2.RESPONSE. For simplicity, the program gets replies for all its inquiries from this one reply-to queue. It is easy to see that a bank might want to use a separate reply-to queue for each user of MVB1, so that they could each see replies to only those inquiries that they had initiated.
- For batch working, the messages have a low priority, so they are processed after any loan requests that are entered in immediate mode. Also, the messages are persistent, so they are recovered if the application or the queue manager has to restart.
- For immediate working, the messages have a high priority, so they are processed before any loan requests that are entered in batch mode. Also, messages are not persistent so they are discarded if the application or the queue manager has to restart.
However, in all cases, the properties of loan request messages are propagated throughout the application. So, for example, all messages that result from a high-priority request will also have a high priority.