The Credit Check sample on z/OS
The Credit Check sample application is a suite of programs that demonstrates how to use many of the features provided by IBM MQ for z/OSĀ®. It shows how the many component programs of an application can pass messages to each other using message queuing techniques.
The sample can run as a stand-alone CICSĀ® application. However, to demonstrate how to design a message queuing application that uses the facilities provided by both the CICS and IMS environments, one module is also supplied as an IMS batch message processing program. This extension to the sample is described in The IMS extension to the Credit Check sample on z/OS.
We can also run the sample on more than one queue manager, and send messages between each instance of the application. To do so, see The Credit Check sample with multiple queue managers on z/OS.
The CICS programs are delivered in C and COBOL. The single IMS program is delivered only in C. The supplied data sets are shown in Table 4 and Table 1. The application demonstrates a method of assessing the risk when bank customers ask for loans. The application shows how a bank could work in two ways to process loan requests:- When dealing directly with a customer, bank staff want immediate access to account and credit-risk information.
- When dealing with written applications, bank staff can submit a series of requests for account and credit-risk information, and deal with the replies at a later time.