Get-mail and display-message programs on z/OSĀ®
In the TSO versions of the application, the get-mail and display-message functions are performed by the same program (CSQ4TVD2). In the CICSĀ® version of the application, these functions are performed by separate programs (CSQ4CVD2 and CSQ4CVD3).
The Mail Awaiting panel (CSQ4VDP2 for TSO, VD2 for CICS ; see Figure 1 for an example) shows all the messages that are on the user's mail queue. To create this list, the program uses the MQGET call to browse all the messages on the queue, saving information about each one. In addition to the information displayed, the program records the MsgId and CorrelId of each message. From the Mail Awaiting panel the user can select one message and display the contents of the message (see Figure 2 for an example). The program uses the MQGET call to remove this message from the queue, using the MsgId and CorrelId that the program noted when it browsed all the messages. This MQGET call is performed using the MQGMO_SYNCPOINT option. The program displays the contents of the message, then declares a syncpoint: this commits the MQGET call, so the message now no longer exists.An obvious extension to the function provided by the Mail Manager is to give the user the option to leave the message on the queue after viewing its contents. To do this, you would have to back out the MQGET call that removes the message from the queue, after displaying the message.