The Get samples for the batch environment on z/OS
To run the samples, edit and run the sample JCL, as described in Preparing and running sample applications for the batch environment on z/OS.
The programs take the following parameters in an EXEC PARM, separated by spaces in C and commas in COBOL:- The name of the queue manager (4 characters)
- The name of the target queue (48 characters)
- The number of messages to get (up to 4 digits)
- The browse/get message option (1 character: B to browse or D to destructively get the messages)
- The syncpoint control (1 character: S for syncpoint or N for no syncpoint)
If you enter any of these parameters incorrectly, you receive appropriate error messages.
Output from the samples is written to the SYSPRINT data set:===================================== PARAMETERS PASSED : QMGR - VC9 QNAME - A.Q NUMMSGS - 000000002 GET - D SYNCPOINT - N ===================================== MQCONN SUCCESSFUL MQOPEN SUCCESSFUL 000000000 : 000000010 : ********** 000000001 : 000000010 : ********** 000000002 MESSAGES GOT FROM QUEUE MQCLOSE SUCCESSFUL MQDISC SUCCESSFUL