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The Put samples for the batch environment on z/OS

Use this topic when considering Put samples for the batch environment.

To run the samples, edit and run the sample JCL, as described in Preparing and running sample applications for the batch environment on z/OS.

The programs take the following parameters in an EXEC PARM, separated by spaces in C and commas in COBOL:
  1. The name of the queue manager (4 characters)
  2. The name of the target queue (48 characters)
  3. The number of messages (up to 4 digits)
  4. The padding character to write in the message (1 character)
  5. The number of characters to write in the message (up to 4 digits)
  6. The persistence of the message (1 character: P for persistent or N for nonpersistent)

If you enter any of the these parameters wrongly, you receive appropriate error messages.

Any messages from the samples are written to the SYSPRINT data set.

Usage notes