Property data types and values

A property can be a boolean, a byte string, a character string, or a floating-point or integer number. The property can store any valid value in the range of the data type unless otherwise restricted by the context.

The data type of a property value must be one of the following values:

  • MQBYTE[ ]
  • MQCHAR[ ]
  • MQINT8
  • MQINT16
  • MQINT32
  • MQINT64

A property can exist but have no defined value; it is a null property. A null property is different from a byte property (MQBYTE[ ]) or character string property (MQCHAR[ ]) in that it has a defined but empty value, that is, one with a zero-length value.

Byte string is not a valid property data type in JMS or XMS. You are advised not to use byte string properties in the usr folder.