Set the Preferred Location for an RDQM

The Preferred Location for a replicated data queue manager (RDQM) identifies the node where the RDQM should run if that node is available.

The Preferred Location is the name of the node on which Pacemaker should run the queue manager when the HA group is in a normal state (all nodes and connections available). The Preferred Location is initialized to the name of the primary node when the queue manager is created. We can run the commands to set the Preferred Location on any of the three nodes. You must be a user who belongs to both the mqm and haclient groups.


  • To assign the local or specified node as the Preferred Location for the named queue manager, enter the following command:
    rdqmadm -p -m qmname [ -n nodename[,nodename  ]
    where qmname is the name of the RDQM you are specifying the preferred location for, and nodename is optionally the name of the preferred node.

    If the HA group is in a normal state and the Preferred Location is not the current primary node, the queue manager is stopped and restarted on the new Preferred Location. We can specify a comma-separated list of two node names to assign a second preference of Preferred Location.

  • To clear the Preferred Location so that the queue manager does not automatically return to a node when it is restored, enter the following command:
    rdqmadm -p -m qmname -d