Use this topic as a reference for how to set your system parameters using CSQ6USGP

Use CSQ6USGP to control product usage recording.

The default parameters for CSQ6USGP are shown in Table 1. If you need to change any of these values, refer to the detailed descriptions of the parameters. Attention: We cannot alter any of these parameters using the SET SYSTEM command.
Table 1. Default values of CSQ6USGP parameters
Parameter Description Default value
QMGRPROD Product against which queue manager usage is to be recorded Blank
AMSPROD Product against which Advanced Message Security (AMS) usage is to be recorded Blank

    Specifies the product against which queue manager usage is to be recorded. Specify one of:

      Queue manager usage is recorded as a stand-alone IBM MQ for z/OS® product, with product ID 5655‑MQ9.

      Queue manager usage is recorded as a stand-alone IBM MQ for z/OS Value Unit Edition (VUE) product, with product ID 5655‑VU9.

      Queue manager usage is recorded as part of an IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS, Value Unit Edition product, with product ID 5655‑AV1.

    Specifies the product against which AMS usage is to be recorded, if used.Specify one of:

      AMS usage is recorded as a stand-alone Advanced Message Security for z/OS product, with product ID 5655‑AM9.

      AMS usage is recorded as part of an IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS product, with product ID 5655‑AV9.

      AMS usage is recorded as part of an IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS, Value Unit Edition product, with product ID 5655‑AV1.

See z/OS MVS Product Management for more information on product usage recording.