Building a sample configured IBM MQ queue manager image

Once we have built your generic base IBM MQ Docker image, you need to apply your own configuration to allow secure access. To do this, create your own Docker image, using the generic image as a parent. The following steps show you how to build a sample image, with a minimal security configuration.


  1. Create a new directory, and add a file called config.mqsc, with the following contents:
    DESCR('Allow privileged users on this channel')

    Note that the preceding example uses simple user ID and password authentication. However, we can apply any security configuration that your enterprise requires.

  2. Create a file called Dockerfile, with the following contents:
    FROM mq
    RUN useradd johndoe -G mqm && \
        echo johndoe:passw0rd | chpasswd
    COPY config.mqsc /etc/mqm/

    • johndoe is the user ID to add
    • passw0rd is the original password
  3. Build your custom Docker image using the following command:
    sudo docker build -t mymq .
    where "." is the directory containing the two files we have just created.

    Docker then creates a temporary container using that image, and runs the remaining commands.

    The RUN command adds a user named johndoe with password passw0rd and the COPY command adds the config.mqsc file into a specific location known by the parent image.

  4. Run your new customized image to create a new container, with the disk image we have just created. Your new image layer did not specify any particular command to run, so that has been inherited from the parent image. The entry point of the parent (the code is available on GitHub):

    • Creates a queue manager
    • Starts the queue manager
    • Creates a default listener
    • Then runs any MQSC commands from /etc/mqm/config.mqsc.

    Issue the following commands to run your new customized image:

    sudo docker run \
      --env LICENSE=accept \
      --env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 \
      --volume /var/example:/var/mqm \
      --publish 1414:1414 \
      --detach \
    where the:

      First env parameter
      Passes an environment variable into the container, which acknowledges your acceptance of the license for IBM IBM WebSphere MQ. We can also set the LICENSE variable to view to view the license.
      See IBM MQ license information for further details on IBM MQ licenses.

      Second env parameter
      Sets the queue manager name that you are using.

      Volume parameter
      Tells the container that whatever MQ writes to /var/mqm should actually be written to /var/example on the host.
      This option means that we can easily delete the container later, and still keep any persistent data. This option also makes it easier to view log files.

      Publish parameter
      Maps ports on the host system to ports in the container. The container runs by default with its own internal IP address, which means that you need to specifically map any ports to expose.
      In this example, that means mapping port 1414 on the host to port 1414 in the container.

      Detach parameter
      Runs the container in the background.


You have built a configured Docker image and can view running containers using the docker ps command. We can view the IBM MQ processes running in your container using the docker top command.

Attention: If your container is not shown when we use the docker ps command the container might have failed. We can see failed containers using the command docker ps -a.

The container ID will be shown by using the docker ps -a command, and was also printed when you issued the docker run command.

We can view the logs of a container using the docker logs ${CONTAINER_ID} command.

A common problem is that mqconfig indicates that certain kernel settings on the Docker host are not correct. Kernel settings are shared between the Docker host and containers, and need to be set correctly (see Hardware and software requirements on UNIX and Linux systems.

For example, the maximum number of open files can be set using the command sysctl fs.file-max=524288.