Displaying channel status

We can display channel status by using MQSC commands, or by using the operations and control panels.

To display the status of a channel or a set of channels using the MQSC commands, use DISPLAY CHSTATUS.

Note: Displaying channel status information can take some time if we have lots of channels.

Use the operations and control panels on the List Channel panel (see Figure 2 ), a summary of the channel status is shown for each channel as follows:

where nnn is the number of active connections, and status is one of the following:

To display more information about the channel status, press the Status key (F11) on the List Channel or the Display, or Alter channel panels to display the List Channels - Current Status panel (see Figure 1 ).
Figure 1. Listing channel connections
List Channels - Current Status - MQ25      Row 1 of 16

Type action codes, then press Enter. Press F11 to display saved status.
1=Display current status

Channel name     Connection name                 State
Start time      Messages Last message time  Type   Disposition
<> *                          CHANNEL  ALL   MQ25

_ RMA0.CIRCUIT.ACL.F  RMA1                       STOP
_  2005-03-21 10.22.36 557735  2005-03-24 09.51.11 SENDER  PRIVATE MQ25
_  2005-03-21 10.23.09 378675  2005-03-24 09.51.10 SENDER  PRIVATE MQ25
_  2005-03-24 01.12.51 45544   2005-03-24 09.51.08 SENDER  PRIVATE MQ25
_  2005-03-24 01.13.55 45560   2005-03-24 09.51.11 SENDER  PRIVATE MQ25
_  2005-03-21 10.24.12 360757  2005-03-24 09.51.11 RECEIVER PRIVATE MQ25
_  2005-03-21 10.23.40 302870  2005-03-24 09.51.09 RECEIVER PRIVATE MQ25
******** End of list ********
Command ===> ________________________________________________________________
F1=Help   F2=Split   F3=Exit   F4=Filter  F5=Refresh  F7=Bkwd
F8=Fwd    F9=SwapNext F10=Messages F11=Saved  F12=Cancel

The values for status are as follows:

See Channel states for more information.

We can press F11 to see a similar list of channel connections with saved status; press F11 to get back to the current list. The saved status does not apply until at least one batch of messages has been transmitted on the channel.

Use action code 1 or a slash (/) to select a connection and press enter. The Display Channel Connection Current Status panels are displayed.