Set up Batch, TSO, and RRS adapters

Make the adapters available to applications by adding libraries to appropriate STEPLIB concatenations. To cater for SNAP dumps issued by an adapter, allocate a CSQSNAP DDname. Consider using CSQBDEFV to improve the portability of our application programs

  • Repeat this task for each IBM MQ queue manager as required.
  • You might need to perform this task when migrating from a previous version.
To make the adapters available to batch and other applications using batch connections, add the following IBM MQ libraries to the STEPLIB concatenation for your batch application :

  • thlqual.SCSQANL x
  • thlqual.SCSQAUTH
where x is the language letter for your national language. (You do not need to do this if the libraries are in the LPA or the link list.)

For TSO applications add the libraries to the STEPLIB concatenation in the TSO logon procedure or activate them using the TSO command TSOLIB.

If the adapter detects an unexpected IBM MQ error, it issues an z/OSĀ® SNAP dump to DDname CSQSNAP, and issues reason code MQRC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR to the application. If the CSQSNAP DD statement is not in the application JCL or CSQSNAP is not allocated to a data set under TSO, no dump is taken. If this happens, you could include the CSQSNAP DD statement in the application JCL or allocate CSQSNAP to a data set under TSO and rerun the application. However, because some problems are intermittent, it is recommended that you include a CSQSNAP statement in the application JCL or allocate CSQSNAP to a data set in the TSO logon procedure to capture the reason for failure at the time it occurs.

The supplied program CSQBDEFV improves the portability of our application programs. In CSQBDEFV, we can specify the name of a queue manager, or queue sharing group, to be connected to rather than specifying it in the MQCONN or MQCONNX call in an application program. We can create a new version of CSQBDEFV for each queue manager, or queue sharing group. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the IBM MQ assembler program CSQBDEFV from thlqual.SCSQASMS to a user library.
  2. The supplied program contains the default subsystem name CSQ1. We can retain this name for testing and installation verification. For production subsystems, we can change the NAME=CSQ1 to your one- to four-character subsystem name, or use CSQ1.

    If you are using queue sharing groups, we can specify a queue sharing group name instead of CSQ1. If we do this, the program issues a connect request to an active queue manager within that group.

  3. Assemble and link-edit the program to produce the CSQBDEFV load module. For the assembly, include the library thlqual.SCSQMACS in your SYSLIB concatenation; use the link-edit parameters RENT,AMODE=31,RMODE=ANY. This is shown in the sample JCL in thlqual.SCSQPROC(CSQ4DEFV). Then include the load library in the z/OS Batch or the TSO STEPLIB, ahead of thlqual.SCSQAUTH.