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Use this topic as a reference for how to specify your archiving environment using CSQ6ARVP

Use CSQ6ARVP to establish your archiving environment.

The default parameters for CSQ6ARVP, and whether we can alter each parameter using the SET ARCHIVE command, are shown in Table 1. If you need to change any of these values, refer to the detailed descriptions of the parameters. For more information about planning your archive storage, see Plan on z/OSĀ®.

Table 1. Default values of CSQ6ARVP parameters
Parameter Description Default value SET command
ALCUNIT Units in which primary and secondary space allocations are made. BLK (blocks) X
ARCPFX1 Prefix for first archive log data set name. CSQARC1 X
ARCPFX2 Prefix for second archive log data set name. CSQARC2 X
ARCRETN The retention period of the archive log data set in days. 9999 X
ARCWRTC List of route codes for messages to the operator about archive log data sets. 1,3,4 X
ARCWTOR Whether to send message to operator and wait for reply before trying to mount an archive log data set. YES X
BLKSIZE Block size of archive log data set. 28 672 X
CATALOG Whether archive log data sets are cataloged in the ICF. NO X
COMPACT Whether archive log data sets should be compacted. NO X
PRIQTY Primary space allocation for DASD data sets. 25 715 X
PROTECT Whether archive log data sets are protected by ESM profiles when the data sets are created. NO X
QUIESCE Maximum time, in seconds, allowed for quiesce when ARCHIVE LOG with MODE(QUIESCE) specified. 5 X
SECQTY Secondary space allocation for DASD data sets. See the ALCUNIT parameter for the units to be used. 540 X
TSTAMP Whether the archive data set name should include a time stamp. NO X
UNIT Device type or unit name on which the first copy of archive log data sets is stored. TAPE X
UNIT2 Device type or unit name on which the second copy of archive log data sets is stored. Blank X