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Attributes for changing configuration information on IBM i

Use this information to understand the configuration information stanzas.

The following groups of attributes occur in mqs.ini:

There are also two stanzas associated with API exits, ApiExitCommon and ApiExitTemplate. For details on using these, see Configure API exits.

The AllQueueManagers stanza

The AllQueueManagers stanza can specify:

In the descriptions of the stanzas, the value underlined is the default value and the | symbol means or.

The DefaultQueueManager stanza

The DefaultQueueManager stanza specifies the default queue manager for the node.

The ExitProperties stanza

The ExitProperties stanza specifies configuration options used by queue manager exit programs.

In the descriptions of the stanzas, the value underlined is the default value and the | symbol means or.

The QueueManager stanza

There is one QueueManager stanza for every queue manager. These attributes specify the queue manager name and the name of the directory containing the files associated with that queue manager. The name of the directory is based on the queue manager name, but is transformed if the queue manager name is not a valid file name.

See Understanding IBM MQ for IBM i queue manager library names for more information about name transformation.