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Working with auto-defined cluster-sender channels

After you introduce a queue manager to a cluster by making its initial CLUSSDR and CLUSRCVR definitions, IBM MQ automatically makes other cluster-sender channel definitions when they are needed. We can view information about auto-defined cluster-sender channels, but we cannot modify them. To modify their behavior, we can use a channel auto-definition exit.

Before you begin

For an introduction to auto-defined channels, see Auto-defined cluster-sender channels.

About this task

Auto-defined cluster-sender channels are created by the cluster as and when needed, and they remain active until they are shut down using the normal disconnect-interval rules.

On Multiplatforms, the OAM (object authority manager) is not aware of the existence of auto-defined cluster-sender channels. If you issue start, stop, ping, reset, or resolve commands on an auto-defined cluster-sender channel, the OAM checks to see whether you are authorized to perform the same action on the matching cluster-receiver channel.

On z/OSĀ®, we can secure an auto-defined cluster-sender channel in the same way as any other channel.
