MQSSLRESET represents the number of unencrypted bytes sent and received on a TLS channel before the secret key is renegotiated.
See Resetting TLS secret keys for more information about secret key renegotiation.
It can be set to an integer in the range 0 through 999 999 999. The default is 0, which indicates that secret keys are never renegotiated. If you specify a TLS secret key reset count in the range 1 byte through 32 KB, TLS channels use a secret key reset count of 32 KB. This secret reset count is to avoid excessive key resets which would occur for small TLS secret key reset values.
To set this variable use one of these commands:
- On Windows systems:
SET MQSSLRESET=integerOn UNIX and Linux systems:
export MQSSLRESET=integer- On IBM® i: