Defining the queues

To send messages from one queue manager to another, you must define up to six queues. You must define up to four queues on the source queue manager, and up to two queues on the target queue manager.

    On the source queue manager

    • Remote queue definition In this definition, specify the following:

        Remote queue manager name
        The name of the target queue manager.

        Remote queue name
        The name of the target queue on the target queue manager.

        Transmission queue name
        The name of the transmission queue. You do not have to specify this transmission queue name. If we do not, a transmission queue with the same name as the target queue manager is used. If this does not exist, the default transmission queue is used. You are advised to give the transmission queue the same name as the target queue manager so that the queue is found by default.

    • Initiation queue definition

      This is required. You must use the initiation queue called SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ.

      This is optional. Consider naming the initiation queue SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ.

    • Transmission queue definition

      A local queue with the USAGE attribute set to XMITQ. If you are using the IBM MQ for IBM i native interface, the USAGE attribute is *TMQ.

    • Dead-letter queue definition

      Define a dead-letter queue to which undelivered messages can be written.

    On the target queue manager

    • Local queue definition

      The target queue. The name of this queue must be the same as that specified in the remote queue name field of the remote queue definition on the source queue manager.

    • Dead-letter queue definition

      Define a dead-letter queue to which undelivered messages can be written.