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Install the MQ Service Provider into WLP

You must install the MQ Service Provider into WLP before it is used.

Before you begin

Obtain, and install, the MQ Service Provider, using the information contained in Obtaining the MQ Service Provider.

About this task

The MQ Service Provider is a standard WLP feature that you can install using one of the methods described in Packaging and installing Liberty features.

See Directory locations and properties to explain what ${wlp.install.dir} and ${wlp.user.dir} mean.

The following text provides an overview of the methods.


  1. Install the feature into the WLP kernel. Attention: This method requires write access to the WLP installation directory. If you do not have write access to the WLP installation directory, option 2 is likely to be more appropriate.

    To do this, copy:

    1. MQSP_ROOT/v1.0/lib/com.ibm.mq.zosconnect_1.0.0.jar to ${wlp.install.dir}/lib.
    2. MQSP_ROOT/v1.0/lib/features/zosConnectMQ-1.0.mf to ${wlp.install.dir}/lib/features.
  2. Install the feature into user configuration. To do this copy:
    1. MQSP_ROOT/v1.0/lib/com.ibm.mq.zosconnect_1.0.0.jar to {wlp.user.dir}/extension/lib.
    2. MQSP_ROOT/v1.0/lib/features/zosConnectMQ-1.0.mf to {wlp.user.dir}/extension/lib/features.
  3. Install the feature as a product extension. To do this:
    1. Copy MQSP_ROOT/mqzosconnect.properties to ${wlp.install.dir}/etc/extensions.
    2. Edit the copied file. Note that this file is an ASCII file. Change PATH_TO_INSTALL to MQSP_ROOT/v1.0, and save your changes.


You have now installed all of the prerequisites for the MQ Service Provider. Note: The approach we use to install the MQ Service Provider affects how it is referred to in server.xml. Examples are shown in Enabling z/OS Connect and the MQ Service Provider.

What to do next

You must now enable the MQ Service Provider and z/OS Connect.