Install the IBM MQ resource adapter
The IBM MQ messaging provider feature in IBM z/OSĀ® Connect EE makes use of a component of IBM MQ called the IBM MQ resource adapter. The resource adapter is supplied with IBM MQ as part of the IBM MQ for z/OS Unix System Services Components feature.
Before you begin
Ensure that the IBM MQ for z/OS Unix System Services Components feature, for the version of the queue manager that you are going to connect to, is installed.
If you are going to connect to multiple versions of queue manager, you should use the feature from the latest version.
This procedure installs the IBM MQ resource adapter into IBM z/OS Connect EE.
- Locate the Unix System Services Components directory of the version of IBM MQ that you are going to connect to. For example, this directory might be called /usr/lpp/mqm/V9R0M1/. The directory should contain a java/lib subdirectory, which contains a number of native libraries (.so files). Attention: If you are going to connect to multiple versions of queue manager, use the latest version.
Edit the server.xml file of the z/OS Connect EE server.
Add the following lines:
<variable name="wmqJmsClient.rar.location" value="MQJAVA_LIB_DIR/jca/wmq.jmsra.rar"/> <wmqJmsClient nativeLibraryPath="MQJAVA_LIB_DIR"/>
where MQJAVA_LIB_DIR is based off the directory located in step 1, for example, /usr/lpp/mqm/V9R0M1/java/lib.- Save the changes.
The first line tells IBM z/OS Connect EE where to locate the IBM MQ resource adapter.
The second line tells the IBM MQ resource adapter where to locate the native libraries that are used for bindings connections to IBM MQ.
See wmqJmsClient, and Deploying JMS applications to Liberty to use the IBM MQ messaging provider for more information.
Set up the STEPLIB of your server to include IBM MQ
You must do this so that the native libraries located in step 1 can
connect to the queue manager.Typically this involves editing the JCL, that starts your server, to
include the
where HLQ is the high level qualifier of the data sets containing the IBM MQ installation.If you are going to connect to multiple versions of IBM MQ from the same server, use the data sets from the most recent version.
You have partially installed the IBM MQ resource adapter.
Note that the IBM MQ resource adapter will not be fully installed until its parent feature (wmqJmsClient-2.0) is enabled, as described in Enabling z/OS Connect and the MQ Service Provider.
What to do next
Install the MQ Service Provider into IBM z/OS Connect EE.