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Controlling archiving and logging

We can control compression, printing, archiving, recovery and logging with using the CSQ6LOGP, CSQ6ARVP, and CSQ6SYSP macros. Note, that changes to private objects only are logged in IBM MQ logs. Changes to GROUP objects (like shared inbound channels) are also logged, because the definitions are propagated around the group and held locally.

Many aspects of archiving and logging are controlled by parameters set using the CSQ6LOGP, CSQ6ARVP and CSQ6SYSP macros of the system parameter module when the queue manager is customized. See Task 17: Tailor your system parameter module for details of these macros.

Some of these parameters can be changed while a queue manager is running using the IBM MQ MQSC SET LOG, SET SYSTEM and SET ARCHIVE commands. They are shown in Table 1:
Table 1. Archiving and logging parameters that can be changed while a queue manager is running
SET command Parameters
We can display the settings of all the parameters using the MQSC DISPLAY LOG, DISPLAY ARCHIVE and DISPLAY SYSTEM commands. These commands also show status information about archiving and logging.

Controlling log compression

We can enable and disable the compression of log records using either

Printing log records

We can extract and print log records using the CSQ1LOGP utility. For instructions, see The log print utility.

Recovering logs

Normally, we do not need to back up and restore the IBM MQ logs, especially if you are using dual logging. However, in rare circumstances, such as an I/O error on a log, you might need to recover the logs. Use Access Method Services to delete and redefine the data set, and then copy the corresponding dual log into it.