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Invocation and rules for the operations and control panels

We can control IBM MQ and issue control commands through the ISPF panels.

How to access the IBM MQ operations and control panels

If the ISPF/PDF primary options menu has been updated for IBM MQ, we can access the IBM MQ operations and control panels from that menu. For details about updating the menu, see the Task 20: Set up the operations and control panels.

We can access the IBM MQ operations and control panels from the TSO command processor panel (typically option 6 on the ISPF/PDF primary options menu). The name of the exec that you run to do this is CSQOREXX. It has two parameters; thlqual is the high-level qualifier for the IBM MQ libraries to be used, and langletter is the letter identifying the national language libraries to be used (for example, E for U.S. English). The parameters can be omitted if the IBM MQ libraries are permanently installed in your ISPF setup. Alternatively, we can issue CSQOREXX from the TSO command line.

These panels are designed to be used by operators and administrators with a minimum of formal training. Read these instructions with the panels running and try out the different tasks suggested.

Note: While using the panels, temporary dynamic queues with names of the form SYSTEM.CSQOREXX.* are created.

Rules for the operations and control panels

See Rules for naming IBM MQ objects about the general rules for IBM MQ character strings and names. However, there are some rules that apply only to the operations and control panels: