Sample C program for inquiring channel objects (amqsaicl.c)

The sample C program amqsaicl.c inquires channel objects using the MQAI.

/*                                                                            */
/* Program name: AMQSAICL.C                                                   */
/*                                                                            */
/* Description:  Sample C program to inquire channel objects                  */
/*               using the IBM MQ Administration Interface (MQAI)             */
/*                                                                            */
/* <N_OCO_COPYRIGHT>                                                          */
/*                                                                            */
/* 63H9336                                                                    */
/* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2020. All Rights Reserved.                   */
/*                                                                            */
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with                    */
/* IBM Corp.                                                                  */
/* <NOC_COPYRIGHT>                                                            */
/*                                                                            */
/* Function:                                                                  */
/*    AMQSAICL is a sample C program that demonstrates how to inquire         */
/*    attributes of the local queue manager using the MQAI interface. In      */
/*    particular, it inquires all channels and their types.                   */
/*                                                                            */
/*     - A PCF command is built from items placed into an MQAI administration */
/*       bag.                                                                 */
/*       These are:-                                                          */
/*            - The generic channel name "*"                                  */
/*            - The attributes to be inquired. In this sample we just want    */
/*              name and type attributes                                      */
/*                                                                            */
/*     - The mqExecute MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL call is executed.                */
/*       The call generates the correct PCF structure.                        */
/*       The default options to the call are used so that the command is sent */
/*       to the SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE.                                   */
/*       The reply from the command server is placed on a temporary dynamic   */
/*       queue.                                                               */
/*       The reply from the MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL is read from the            */
/*       temporary queue and formatted into the response bag.                 */
/*                                                                            */
/*     - The completion code from the mqExecute call is checked and if there  */
/*       is a failure from the command server, then the code returned by the  */
/*       command server is retrieved from the system bag that has been        */
/*       embedded in the response bag to the mqExecute call.                  */
/*                                                                            */
/* Note: The command server must be running.                                  */
/*                                                                            */
/*                                                                            */
/* AMQSAICL has 2 parameter - the queue manager name (optional)               */
/*                          - output file (optional) default varies           */

/* Includes                                                                   */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <recio.h>

#include <cmqc.h>                          /* MQI                             */
#include <cmqcfc.h>                        /* PCF                             */
#include <cmqbc.h>                         /* MQAI                            */
#include <cmqxc.h>                         /* MQCD                            */

/* Function prototypes                                                        */
void CheckCallResult(MQCHAR *, MQLONG , MQLONG);

/* DataTypes                                                                  */

/* Constants                                                                  */
const struct
  char name[9];
} ChlTypeMap[9] =
  "*SDR     ",    /* MQCHT_SENDER    */
  "*SVR     ",    /* MQCHT_SERVER    */
  "*RCVR    ",    /* MQCHT_RECEIVER  */
  "*RQSTR   ",    /* MQCHT_REQUESTER */
  "*ALL     ",    /* MQCHT_ALL       */
  "*CLTCN   ",    /* MQCHT_CLNTCONN  */
  "*SVRCONN ",    /* MQCHT_SVRCONN   */
  "*CLUSSDR "     /* MQCHT_CLUSSDR   */
const struct
  char name[9];
} ChlTypeMap[9] =
  "sdr      ",    /* MQCHT_SENDER    */
  "svr      ",    /* MQCHT_SERVER    */
  "rcvr     ",    /* MQCHT_RECEIVER  */
  "rqstr    ",    /* MQCHT_REQUESTER */
  "all      ",    /* MQCHT_ALL       */
  "cltconn  ",    /* MQCHT_CLNTCONN  */
  "svrcn    ",    /* MQCHT_SVRCONN   */
  "clusrcvr ",    /* MQCHT_CLUSRCVR  */
  "clussdr  "     /* MQCHT_CLUSSDR   */

/* Macros                                                                     */
#if (MQAT_DEFAULT == MQAT_OS400)  
  #define OPENOUTFILE(hdl, fname) \
    (hdl) = _Ropen((fname),"wr, rtncode=Y");
  #define CLOSEOUTFILE(hdl) \
  #define WRITEOUTFILE(hdl, buf, buflen) \

  #define OUTFILE "/tmp/amqsaicl.txt"
  #define OPENOUTFILE(hdl, fname) \
    (hdl) = fopen((fname),"w");
  #define CLOSEOUTFILE(hdl) \
  #define WRITEOUTFILE(hdl, buf, buflen) \
    fwrite((buf),(buflen),1,(hdl)); fflush((hdl));
  #define OUTFILE "amqsaicl.txt"
  #define OPENOUTFILE(fname) \
  #define CLOSEOUTFILE(hdl) \
  #define WRITEOUTFILE(hdl, buf, buflen) \
    fwrite((buf),(buflen),1,(hdl)); fflush((hdl));
#define ChlType2String(t) ChlTypeMap[(t)-1].name

/* Function: main                                                             */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   /* MQAI variables                                                          */
   MQHCONN hConn;                          /* handle to MQ connection         */
   MQCHAR qmName[MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH+1]=""; /* default QMgr name             */
   MQLONG reason;                          /* reason code                     */
   MQLONG connReason;                      /* MQCONN reason code              */
   MQLONG compCode;                        /* completion code                 */
   MQHBAG adminBag = MQHB_UNUSABLE_HBAG;   /* admin bag for mqExecute         */
   MQHBAG responseBag = MQHB_UNUSABLE_HBAG;/* response bag for mqExecute      */
   MQHBAG cAttrsBag;                       /* bag containing chl attributes   */
   MQHBAG errorBag;                        /* bag containing cmd server error */
   MQLONG mqExecuteCC;                     /* mqExecute completion code       */
   MQLONG mqExecuteRC;                     /* mqExecute reason code           */
   MQLONG chlNameLength;                   /* Actual length of chl name       */
   MQLONG chlType;                         /* Channel type                    */
   MQLONG i;                               /* loop counter                    */
   MQLONG numberOfBags;                    /* number of bags in response bag  */
   MQCHAR chlName[MQ_OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH+1];/* name of chl extracted from bag  */
   MQCHAR OutputBuffer[100];               /* output data buffer              */
   OUTFILEHDL *outfp = NULL;               /* output file handle              */

   /* Connect to the queue manager                                            */
   if (argc &gt; 1)
      strncpy(qmName, argv[1], (size_t)MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH);
   MQCONN(qmName, &hConn;, &compCode;, &connReason;);

   /* Report the reason and stop if the connection failed.                    */
   if (compCode == MQCC_FAILED)
      CheckCallResult("Queue Manager connection", compCode, connReason);
      exit( (int)connReason);

   /* Open the output file                                                    */
   if (argc &gt; 2)
     OPENOUTFILE(outfp, argv[2]);

   if(outfp == NULL)
     printf("Could not open output file.\n");
     goto MOD_EXIT;
   /* Create an admin bag for the mqExecute call                              */
   mqCreateBag(MQCBO_ADMIN_BAG, &adminBag;, &compCode;, &reason;);
   CheckCallResult("Create admin bag", compCode, reason);

   /* Create a response bag for the mqExecute call                            */
   mqCreateBag(MQCBO_ADMIN_BAG, &responseBag;, &compCode;, &reason;);
   CheckCallResult("Create response bag", compCode, reason);

   /* Put the generic channel name into the admin bag                         */
               &compCode;, &reason;);
   CheckCallResult("Add channel name", compCode, reason);

   /* Put the channel type into the admin bag                                 */
   mqAddInteger(adminBag, MQIACH_CHANNEL_TYPE, MQCHT_ALL, &compCode;, &reason;);
   CheckCallResult("Add channel type", compCode, reason);

   /* Add an inquiry for various attributes                                   */
   mqAddInquiry(adminBag, MQIACH_CHANNEL_TYPE, &compCode;, &reason;);
   CheckCallResult("Add inquiry", compCode, reason);

   /* Send the command to find all the channel names and channel types.       */
   /* The mqExecute call creates the PCF structure required, sends it to      */
   /* the command server, and receives the reply from the command server into */
   /* the response bag. The attributes are contained in system bags that are  */
   /* embedded in the response bag, one set of attributes per bag.            */
   mqExecute(hConn,                   /* MQ connection handle                 */
             MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL,   /* Command to be executed               */
             MQHB_NONE,               /* No options bag                       */
             adminBag,                /* Handle to bag containing commands    */
             responseBag,             /* Handle to bag to receive the response*/
             MQHO_NONE,               /* Put msg on SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE*/
             MQHO_NONE,               /* Create a dynamic q for the response  */
             &compCode;,               /* Completion code from the mqexecute   */
             &reason;);                /* Reason code from mqexecute call      */

   /* Check the command server is started. If not exit.                       */
      printf("Please start the command server: <strmqcsv QMgrName="">\n");
      goto MOD_EXIT;

   /* Check the result from mqExecute call. If successful find the channel    */
   /* types for all the channels. If failed find the error.                   */
   if ( compCode == MQCC_OK )                      /* Successful mqExecute    */
     /* Count the number of system bags embedded in the response bag from the */
     /* mqExecute call. The attributes for each channel are in separate bags. */
     mqCountItems(responseBag, MQHA_BAG_HANDLE, &numberOfBags;,
                  &compCode;, &reason;);
     CheckCallResult("Count number of bag handles", compCode, reason);

     for ( i=0; i<numberOfbags; i++)
       /* Get the next system bag handle out of the mqExecute response bag.   */
       /* This bag contains the channel attributes                            */
       mqInquireBag(responseBag, MQHA_BAG_HANDLE, i, &cAttrsbag,
                    &compCode, &reason);
       CheckCallResult("Get the result bag handle", compCode, reason);

       /* Get the channel name out of the channel attributes bag              */
       mqInquireString(cAttrsBag, MQCACH_CHANNEL_NAME, 0, MQ_OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH,
                       chlName, &chlNameLength, NULL, &compCode, &reason);
       CheckCallResult("Get channel name", compCode, reason);

       /* Get the channel type out of the channel attributes bag              */

    mqInquireInteger(cAttrsBag, MQIACH_CHANNEL_TYPE, MQIND_NONE, &chlType,
                        &compCode, &reason);
       CheckCallResult("Get type", compCode, reason);

       /* Use mqTrim to prepare the channel name for printing.                */
       /* Print the result.                                                   */
       mqTrim(MQ_CHANNEL_NAME_LENGTH, chlName, chlName, &compCode, &reason);
       sprintf(OutputBuffer, "%-20s%-9s", chlName, ChlType2String(chlType));

   else                                               /* Failed mqExecute     */
     printf("Call to get channel attributes failed: Cc = %ld : Rc = %ld\n",
                  compCode, reason);
     /* If the command fails get the system bag handle out of the mqexecute   */
     /* response bag.This bag contains the reason from the command server     */
     /* why the command failed.                                               */
     if (reason == MQRCCF_COMMAND_FAILED)
       mqInquireBag(responseBag, MQHA_BAG_HANDLE, 0, &errorBag,
                    &compCode, &reason);
       CheckCallResult("Get the result bag handle", compCode, reason);

       /* Get the completion code and reason code, returned by the command    */
       /* server, from the embedded error bag.                                */
       mqInquireInteger(errorBag, MQIASY_COMP_CODE, MQIND_NONE, &mqExecuteCC,
                        &compCode, &reason );
       CheckCallResult("Get the completion code from the result bag",
                       compCode, reason);
       mqInquireInteger(errorBag, MQIASY_REASON, MQIND_NONE, &mqExecuteRC,
                         &compCode, &reason);
       CheckCallResult("Get the reason code from the result bag",
                       compCode, reason);
       printf("Error returned by the command server: Cc = %ld : Rc = %ld\n",
                mqExecuteCC, mqExecuteRC);

   /* Delete the admin bag if successfully created.                           */
   if (adminBag != MQHB_UNUSABLE_HBAG)
      mqDeleteBag(&adminBag, &compCode, &reason);
      CheckCallResult("Delete the admin bag", compCode, reason);

   /* Delete the response bag if successfully created.                        */
   if (responseBag != MQHB_UNUSABLE_HBAG)
      mqDeleteBag(&responseBag, &compCode, &reason);
      CheckCallResult("Delete the response bag", compCode, reason);

   /* Disconnect from the queue manager if not already connected              */
   if (connReason != MQRC_ALREADY_CONNECTED)
      MQDISC(&hConn, &compCode, &reason);
      CheckCallResult("Disconnect from Queue Manager", compCode, reason);

   /* Close the output file if open                                           */
   if(outfp != NULL)

   return 0;

/*                                                                            */
/* Function: CheckCallResult                                                  */
/*                                                                            */
/*                                                                            */
/* Input Parameters:  Description of call                                     */
/*                    Completion code                                         */
/*                    Reason code                                             */
/*                                                                            */
/* Output Parameters: None                                                    */
/*                                                                            */
/* Logic: Display the description of the call, the completion code and the    */
/*        reason code if the completion code is not successful                */
/*                                                                            */
void  CheckCallResult(char *callText, MQLONG cc, MQLONG rc)
   if (cc != MQCC_OK)
         printf("%s failed: Completion Code = %ld : Reason = %ld\n", callText,
                cc, rc);