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Customize SSO configuration using LTPA cookies for the Liberty profile

With single sign-on (SSO) configuration support, when Liberty profile servers share the same LTPA keys, web users can authenticate once when accessing Liberty profile resources such as...


When a user successfully passes authentication on one of Liberty profile servers, the server generates authentication information that is transported to the web browser in a cookie. The cookie is propagated to other Liberty profile servers.

The default cookie name used to store the SSO token is called ltpaToken2. We can customize the cookie name using the ssoCookieName attribute of the <webAppSecurity> element. All the servers that participate in SSO must use the same cookie name.

To set the user to be logged out after the HTTP session expires and the name of the SSO cookie as myCookieName:

For SSO to work across Liberty servers, full profile servers, or both, set the following resources:

Parent topic: Authenticate users

Parent topic: Configure web security related properties

Concepts: Authentication
Single sign-on for authentication using LTPA cookies
Configure LTPA