Configure a basic user registry for the Liberty profile
- Add the appSecurity-2.0 Liberty feature to server.xml.
- To use SSL, add the ssl-1.0 Liberty feature to server.xml.
- Configure the basic registry for the server...
<basicRegistry id="basic" realm="customRealm"> <user name="mlee" password="p@ssw0rd" /> <user name="rkumar" password="pa$$w0rd" /> <user name="gjones" password="{xor}Lz4sLCgwLTs=" /> <group name="students"> <member name="mlee" /> <member name="rkumar" /> </group> </basicRegistry>Use unique names for the users and groups. Remove trailing and leading spaces from the user and group names. If user ID or password contains characters other than US-ASCII, save the file using UTF-8 character encoding. WAS Developer Tools for Eclipse encode passwords automatically.
- Encode user passwords...
cd $INSTALL_ROOT/bin/ ./securityUtility encode mypassword
Reference security configuration examples can be found on
Parent topic: Configure a user registryConcepts: Authentication
Authorizing access to resources
Configure authorization for applications
securityUtility command