Configure an OpenID Connect Provider to accept discovery requests
The discovery configuration endpoint makes information available about the capabilities supported by the OpenID Connect Provider (OP) server. Metadata is based on and extends the OIDC Discovery 1.0 specification provider metadata. The service returns a set of default configurations if nothing is specified. Otherwise, refer to the list of properties to understand their purpose and possible configurable options.
We can override the default values for selected properties in the discovery configuration service. This action is performed by specifying the values in server.xml.
Configurable properties...
Attribute Name Data Type Required/Optional Description responseTypesSupported Input Optional The response types supported by the OpenID Connect Provider (OP) server. Unless specified, the default values are code, token, and id_token token. More than 1 value can be specified. These values are strings. For example, possible values are:
- code
- token
- id_token token
subjectTypesSupported Output only N/A The subject types supported by the OP server. This value is set to public. This value is a string. idTokenSigningAlgValuesSupported Output only Optional The ID token signing algorithms supported by the OP server. This value is specified as the server attribute signatureAlgorithm in the openidConnectProvider server configuration. Unless specified, the default value is HS256. Only 1 value can be specified. This is a string. For example, possible values for attribute signatureAlgorithm in the openidConnectProvider configuration:
- none
- RS256
- HS256
scopesSupported Input Optional The scope values supported by the OP server. Unless specified, the default values are openid, general, profile, email, address, and phone. More than 1 value can be specified. These values are strings. For example, possible values are:
- openid
- general
- profile
- address
- phone
claimsSupported Input Optional The claims values supported by the OP server. Unless specified, the default values are sub, groupIds, name, preferred_username, picture, locale, email, and profile. More than 1 value can be specified. These values are strings. For example, possible values are:
- sub
- groupIds
- name
- preferred_username
- picture
- locale
- profile
responseModesSupported Input Optional The response modes supported by the OP server. Unless specified, the default values are query and fragment. More than 1 value can be specified. These values are strings.
- query
- fragment
grantTypesSupported Input Optional The grant types supported by the OP server. Unless specified, the default values are authorization_code, implicit, refresh_token, client_credentials, password, and urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwtbearer. More than 1 value can be specified. These values are strings. For example, possible values are:
- authorization_code
- implicit
- refresh_token
- client_credentials
- password
- urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwtbearer
tokenEndpointAuthMethodsSupported Input Optional The token endpoint authorization methods supported by the OP server. Unless specified, the default values are client_secret_post, and client_secret_basic. More than 1 value can be specified. These values are strings. For example, possible values are:
- none
- client_secret_post
- client_secret_basic
displayValuesSupported Output only N/A The display values supported by the OP server. This value is set to page. This value is a string. claimTypesSupported Output only N/A The claim type values supported by the OP server. This value is set to normal. This value is a string. claimsParameterSupported Input Optional Indication of whether claims parameter is supported by the OP server. Unless specified, the default value is false. Only 1 value can be specified. This is a Boolean value. For example, possible values are:
- true
- false
requestParameterSupported Input Optional Indication of whether a request parameter is supported by the OP server. Unless specified, the default value is false. Only 1 value can be specified. This is a Boolean value. For example, possible values are:
- true
- false
requestUriParameterSupported Input Optional Indication of whether request URI parameter is supported by the OP server. Unless specified, the default value is false. Only 1 value can be specified. This is a Boolean value. For example, possible values are:
- true
- false
requireRequestUriRegistration Input Optional Indication of whether require request URI registration is supported by the OP server. Unless specified, the default value is false. Only 1 value can be specified. This is a Boolean value. For example, possible values are:
- true
- false
Examples of discovery configuration
The following example assumes that the Liberty OP is configured with SSL on port 443.<provider_name>/
The discovery configuration endpoint is accessible at:<provider_name>/.well-known/openid-configuration
For example, in server.xml, a user can customize their OpenID Connect discovery configuration properties in the following manner:
<openidConnectProvider id="OidcConfigSample" oauthProviderRef="OAuthConfigSample"> <discovery responseTypesSupported="token, id_token token" subjectTypesSupported="public" scopesSupported="openid, general, profile" claimsSupported="sub, groupIds, name" responseModesSupported="query" grantTypesSupported="implicit" tokenEndpointAuthMethodsSupported="client_secret_basic" displayValuesSupported="page" claimTypesSupported="normal" claimsParameterSupported="true" requestParameterSupported="true" requestUriParameterSupported="true" requireRequestUriRegistration="true" /> </openidConnectProvider> <oauthProvider id="OAuthConfigSample"> </oauthProvider>
- Example of customized discovery configuration
Request Headers: GET<provider_name>/.well-known/openid-configuration Response Headers: Status: 200 Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control:public, max-age=3600 Response Body: { "introspection_endpoint":"<provider_name>/introspect", "coverage_map_endpoint":"<provider_name>/coverage_map", "issuer":"<provider_name>", "authorization_endpoint":"<provider_name>/authorize", "token_endpoint":"<provider_name>/token", "response_types_supported":[ "token", "id_token token" ], "subject_types_supported":[ "public" ], "userinfo_endpoint":"<provider_name>/userinfo", "scopes_supported":[ "openid", "general", "profile" ], "claims_supported":[ "sub", "groupIds", "name" ], "response_modes_supported":[ "query" ], "grant_types_supported":[ "implicit" ], "token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported":[ "client_secret_basic" ], "display_values_supported":[ "page" ], "claim_types_supported":[ "normal" ], "claims_parameter_supported":true, "request_parameter_supported":true, "request_uri_parameter_supported":true, "require_request_uri_registration":true, "check_session_iframe":"<provider_name>/check_session_iframe", "end_session_endpoint":"<provider_name>/end_session" }
- Example of default discovery configuration
Request Headers: GET<provider_name>/.well-known/openid-configuration Response Headers: Status: 200 Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control:public, max-age=3600 Response Body: { "introspection_endpoint":"<provider_name>/introspect", "coverage_map_endpoint":"<provider_name>/coverage_map", "issuer":"<provider_name>", "authorization_endpoint":"<provider_name>/authorize", "token_endpoint":"<provider_name>/token", "response_types_supported":[ "code", "token", "id_token token" ], "subject_types_supported":[ "public" ], "userinfo_endpoint":"<provider_name>/userinfo", "registration_endpoint":"<provider_name>/registration", "scopes_supported":[ "openid", "general", "profile", "email", "address", "phone" ], "claims_supported":[ "sub", "groupIds", "name", "preferred_username", "picture", "locale", "email", "profile" ], "response_modes_supported":[ "query", "fragment" ], "grant_types_supported":[ "authorization_code", "implicit", "refresh_token", "client_credentials", "password", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" ], "token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported":[ "client_secret_post", "client_secret_basic" ], "display_values_supported":[ "page"], "claim_types_supported":[ "normal" ], "claims_parameter_supported":false, "request_parameter_supported":false, "request_uri_parameter_supported":false, "require_request_uri_registration":false, "check_session_iframe":"<provider_name>/check_session_iframe", "end_session_endpoint":"<provider_name>/end_session" }
Parent topic:Configure an OpenID Connect Provider