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Install Liberty on distributed operating systems using the command line

  • Prepare the system onto which to WAS Liberty Core.

    To install v8.5.5.4 and later of the Liberty profile requires IBM Installation Manager v1.6.2 or later.

    1. If the repository requires a user name and password, create credential-storage and master-password files to access this repository.

      When creating a credential-storage file, append /repository.config at the end of the repository URL location if the imutilsc command is unable to find the URL specified.

      When we use Installation Manager v1.6.2 and later, use the -secureStorageFile and -masterPasswordFile options to store credentials in a credential-storage file. In versions of Installation Manager earlier than v1.6.2, the -keyring and -password options were used to access credentials in a keyring file. These options were deprecated in v1.6.2. There is no migration path from keyring files to storage files because of the differences in the file structures. For more information on using the -secureStorageFile and -masterPasswordFile options to store credentials in a credential-storage file, see the Installation Manager Version 1.6 Information Center. For more information on using the -keyring and -password options to store credentials in a keyring file, see the Installation Manager Version 1.5 Information Center.

    2. Log on to the system.

    3. cd IM_HOME/eclipse/tools

    4. Verify that the offering repository is available.

        imcl.exe listAvailablePackages -repositories source_repository

        ./imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories source_repository

      You see one or more levels of the offering.

    5. Install the offering.

        imcl.exe install com.ibm.websphere.liberty.v85_offering_version,optional_feature_ID -repositories source_repository -installationDirectory installation_directory -sharedResourcesDirectory shared_directory -preferences preference_key=value -properties property_key=value -secureStorageFile storage_file -masterPasswordFile master_password_file -acceptLicense

        ./imcl install com.ibm.websphere.liberty.v85_offering_version,optional_feature_ID -repositories source_repository -installationDirectory installation_directory -sharedResourcesDirectory shared_directory -preferences preference_key=value -properties property_key=value -secureStorageFile storage_file -masterPasswordFile master_password_file -acceptLicense


      • The relevant terms and conditions, notices, and other information are provided in the license-agreement files in the lafiles or offering_name/lafiles subdirectory of the installation image or repository for this offering.

      • The first time that we install a package using the Installation Manager, we can specify the shared resources directory. The shared resources directory is where installation artifacts are located that can be used by one or more package groups. It is also used as a staging area for the product payload during installation operations. By default, this content is cached so that it can be used for rollback. Use the largest drive for this installation. We cannot change the directory location until after you uninstall all packages.

      • The offering_version, which optionally can be attached to the offering ID with an underscore, is a specific version of the offering to install ( for example).

        • If offering_version is not specified, the latest version of the offering and all interim fixes for that version are installed.

        • If offering_version is specified, the specified version of the offering and no interim fixes for that version are installed.

        The offering version can be found attached to the end of the offering ID with an underscore when running the following command against the repository:

          imcl listAvailablePackages -repositories source_repository

      • We can also specify none, recommended or all with the -installFixes argument to indicate which interim fixes we want installed with the offering.

        • If the offering version is not specified, the -installFixes option defaults to all.

        • If the offering version is specified, the -installFixes option defaults to none.

      • We can add a list of features that are separated by commas:

        • Embeddable EJB container and JPA client (embeddablecontainer)

          This option installs the embeddable EJB container and JPA client.

          The embeddable EJB container is a Java Archive (JAR) file for running enterprise beans in a standalone Java Platform, Standard Edition (SE) environment. We can run enterprise beans using this embeddable container outside the application server. The embeddable EJB container is a part of the EJB 3.1 specification and is primarily used for unit testing enterprise beans business logic.

          The JPA client can be used with the embeddable EJB container to provide Java Persistence API capability in a Java SE environment.

        • If no features are specified, the default feature (embeddablecontainer) is installed.

          Beginning with v8.5.5.4, the extprogmodels feature is no longer available. Instead, install the extendedPackage-1.0 add-on, or install the individual features needed from the Liberty Repository. See the following topics for more information:

        • To ensure the installation process completes for systems that do not have internet access specify the -properties user.feature="" parameter on the Installation Manager command line. If not specified, the installation process attempts to access the internet and an error occurs.

            ERROR: Unable to connect to the IBM WebSphere Liberty repository or local Installation Manager repository.

          Verify that firewalls are configured to allow the Installation Manager to access the internet, or that the local Installation Manager repository can be accessed. If the problem persists, then the repository server might be unavailable. To continue the installation without additional assets, specify the user.feature="" and user.addon="" parameters.

      • We can specify additional assets to install from the Liberty Repository. To install additional assets, specify the following properties in the command line. Note the feature short names, such as FeatureA, are separated by double commas:

          -properties user.feature=FeatureA,,FeatureB,,FeatureC,user.accept.license=true

        The following example installs the Extended Programming Models, using the user.addon parameter, and the Portlet Container feature, using the user.feature parameter.

          imcl install com.ibm.websphere.liberty.ND.v85 -properties user.accept.license=true,user.addon=extendedPackage-1.0,user.feature=portlet-2.0 -installationDirectory D:\IBM\Liberty -acceptLicense -repositories D:\IBM\LibertyRepo -sharedResourcesDirectory D:\IBM\IMShared -showProgress

        To learn more about the Liberty Repository and the assets it contains, see Liberty Repository.

        For a list of Liberty features, see Liberty features. We can also install the following additional features:

        Liberty Repository features that we can install using IBM Installation
        Feature Symbolic name and short name Description
        Portlet Container com.ibm.websphere.appserver.portlet-2.0


        This feature provides a runtime environment for portlets that comply with JSR 168 and JSR 286 and a development environment for testing portlets deployed into WebSphere Portal Server.
        Portlet Serving com.ibm.websphere.appserver.portletserving-2.0


        This feature provides the portlet serving or URL addressability functionality for portlets that are compliant with JSR 168 and JSR 286. This feature enables us to invoke a portlet under a defined URL from a browser.
        Web Cache Monitor com.ibm.websphere.appserver.webCacheMonitor-1.0


        This feature provides monitoring of the distributed map cache and provides simple cache statistics, cache entries, and cache policy information for Servlet cache instances.

      • Installation Manager can save earlier versions of a package to roll back to if you experience issues later. When Installation Manager rolls back a package to a previous version, the current versions of the files are uninstalled and the earlier versions are reinstalled. If we choose not to save the files for rollback, we can prevent the files from being saved using the following preference in the command specification:

          -preference com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.preserveDownloadedArtifacts=False

        For more information on setting the Installation Manager preferences, see IBM Installation Manager Information Center.

        Even if you choose not to preserve files locally for rollback, we can still roll back to any previously installed level by accessing the appropriate offering repository.

      • We can use the cic.selector.arch property key and related value to specify the architecture to install, 32 bit or 64 bit.

        Here is an example of specifying a 32-bit architecture:

          -properties cic.selector.arch=x86

        If we do not specify anything for this key, you get a correct match for the system. For a 64-bit system, the installation defaults to a 64-bit installation.

        Your choice here applies to all packages installed in the package group. For information about the supported values for the cic.selector.key keys, see the Values for cic.selector.key table in the Installation Manager Information Center.

      • The program might write important post-installation instructions to standard output.

      For more information on using the imcl command to install the offering, see the IBM Installation Manager Information Center.

    Parent topic: Install Liberty on distributed operating systems

    Install Installation Manager and prepare to install Liberty
    Install Liberty on distributed operating systems using the GUI
    Install Liberty on distributed operating systems using response files
    Add and remove features from Liberty on distributed operating systems
    Uninstall Liberty from distributed operating systems using the GUI
    Uninstall Liberty from distributed operating systems using the command line
    Uninstall Liberty from distributed operating systems using response files
    Upgrading Liberty on distributed operating systems using the GUI
    Create custom installation repositories with IBM Packaging Utility
    Use the launchpad to start Liberty installations

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