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Develop JAAS custom login modules for a system login configuration

For a Liberty profile server, multiple Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) plug-in points exist for configuring system logins. The Liberty profile uses system login configurations to authenticate incoming requests. We can develop a custom JAAS login module to add information to the Subject of a system login configuration.

Application login configurations are called by servlet applications for obtaining a Subject that is based on specific authentication information. When we write a login module that plugs into a Liberty profile application login or system login configuration, we must develop login configuration logic that knows when specific information is present, and how to use the information. See JAAS configuration and JAAS login modules for more details.

To develop a JAAS custom login module for a system login configuration, follow the steps in the procedure:

What to do next

Add the custom login module into the WEB_INBOUND, and DEFAULT Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) system login configurations of server.xml. Put the custom login module class in a JAR file, for example, customLoginModule.jar, then make the JAR file available to the Liberty profile server. See Configure a JAAS custom login module .

Parent topic: Develop extensions to the Liberty profile security infrastructure


  • Configure a JAAS custom login module