OSGi Blueprint
This feature enables support for deploying OSGi applications that use the OSGi blueprint container specification. With the OSGi Applications support in WebSphere Application Server, we can develop and deploy modular applications that use Java EE and OSGi technologies.
Enable this feature
To enable the OSGi Blueprint feature, add the following element declaration inside the featureManager element in the server.xml file:
Developing a feature that depends on this feature
If we are developing a feature that depends on the OSGi Blueprint feature, include the following item in the Subsystem-Content header in the feature manifest file for the new feature:
com.ibm.websphere.appserver.blueprint-1.0; type="osgi.subsystem.feature"
Features that enable this feature
API packages provided by this feature
- org.apache.aries.blueprint
- org.apache.aries.blueprint.ext
- org.apache.aries.blueprint.mutable
- org.apache.aries.blueprint.services
- org.apache.aries.blueprint.utils
- org.apache.aries.transaction.exception
- org.apache.aries.util
- org.osgi.framework
- org.osgi.framework.hooks.bundle
- org.osgi.framework.hooks.resolver
- org.osgi.framework.hooks.service
- org.osgi.framework.hooks.weaving
- org.osgi.framework.launch
- org.osgi.framework.namespace
- org.osgi.framework.startlevel
- org.osgi.framework.wiring
- org.osgi.resource
- org.osgi.service.blueprint
- org.osgi.service.blueprint.container
- org.osgi.service.blueprint.reflect
- org.osgi.service.condpermadmin
- org.osgi.service.jndi
- org.osgi.service.packageadmin
- org.osgi.service.startlevel
- org.osgi.service.url
- org.osgi.util.tracker
SPI packages provided by this feature
- org.apache.aries.blueprint
- org.apache.aries.blueprint.ext
- org.apache.aries.blueprint.mutable
- org.apache.aries.blueprint.services
- org.apache.aries.util
- org.osgi.service.cm
- org.osgi.service.subsystem
Feature configuration elements
We can use the following elements in the server.xml file to configure the OSGi Blueprint feature:
- application
- applicationMonitor
- bundleRepository
- classloading
- library
- osgiApplication
- transaction
- dataSource
- connectionManager
- containerAuthData
- jdbcDriver
- properties
- properties.datadirect.sqlserver
- properties.db2.i.native
- properties.db2.i.toolbox
- properties.db2.jcc
- properties.derby.client
- properties.derby.embedded
- properties.informix
- properties.informix.jcc
- properties.microsoft.sqlserver
- properties.oracle
- properties.sybase
- recoveryAuthData
- application
- Defines the properties of an application.
Attribute name Data type Default value Description autoStart boolean true Indicates whether or not the server should start the application automatically when the server starts. context-root string Context root of an application. id string A unique configuration ID. location A file, directory or url. Location of an application expressed as an absolute path or a path relative to the server-level apps directory. name string Name of an application. suppressUncoveredHttpMethodWarning boolean false Option to suppress uncovered HTTP method warning message during application deployment. type string Type of application archive.
- application > application-bnd
Description: Binds general deployment information included in the application to specific resources.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description version string Version of the application bindings specification.
- application > application-bnd > security-role
Description: A role that is mapped to users and groups in a domain user registry.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description name string Name of a security role.
- application > application-bnd > security-role > group
Description: A group possessing a security role.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description access-id string Group access ID name string Name of a group possessing a security role.
- application > application-bnd > security-role > run-as
Description: ID and password of a user required to access a bean from another bean.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description password Reversably encoded password (string) Password of a user required to access a bean from another bean. Stored in clear text or encoded form. To encode the password, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. userid string ID of a user required to access a bean from another bean.
- application > application-bnd > security-role > special-subject
Description: Name of a special-subject possessing a security role.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description type
One of the following special subject types: ALL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS, EVERYONE.
- Everyone
- All authenticated users
- application > application-bnd > security-role > user
Description: A user possessing a security role.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description access-id string A user access ID in the general form user:realmName/userUniqueId. A value will be generated if one is not specified. name string Name of a user possessing a security role.
- application > classloader
Description: Defines the settings for an application classloader.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description apiTypeVisibility string spec,ibm-api,api The types of API package this class loader will be able to see, as a comma-separated list of any combination of the following: spec, ibm-api, api, third-party. classProviderRef List of references to top level resourceAdapter elements (comma-separated string). List of class provider references. When searching for classes or resources, this class loader will delegate to the specified class providers after searching its own class path. commonLibraryRef List of references to top level library elements (comma-separated string). List of library references. Library class instances are shared with other classloaders. delegation
- parentFirst
- parentLast
parentFirst Controls whether parent classloader is used before or after this classloader. If parent first is selected then delegate to immediate parent before searching the classpath. If parent last is selected then search the classpath before delegating to the immediate parent.
- parentFirst
- Parent first
- parentLast
- Parent last
privateLibraryRef List of references to top level library elements (comma-separated string). List of library references. Library class instances are unique to this classloader, independent of class instances from other classloaders.
- application > classloader > commonLibrary
Description: List of library references. Library class instances are shared with other classloaders.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description apiTypeVisibility string spec,ibm-api,api The types of API package this library's class loader will be able to see, as a comma-separated list of any combination of the following: spec, ibm-api, api, third-party. description string Description of shared library for administrators filesetRef List of references to top level fileset elements (comma-separated string). Id of referenced Fileset name string Name of shared library for administrators
- application > classloader > commonLibrary > file
Description: Id of referenced File
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description name Path to a file Fully qualified filename
- application > classloader > commonLibrary > fileset
Description: Id of referenced Fileset
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description caseSensitive boolean true Boolean to indicate whether or not the search should be case sensitive (default: true). dir Path to a directory ${server.config.dir} The base directory to search for files. excludes string The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to exclude from the search results, by default no files are excluded. includes string * The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to include in the search results (default: *). scanInterval A period of time with millisecond precision 0 Scanning interval to check the fileset for changes as a long with a time unit suffix h-hour, m-minute, s-second, ms-millisecond (e.g. 2ms or 5s). Disabled (scanInterval=0) by default. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- application > classloader > commonLibrary > folder
Description: Id of referenced folder
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description dir Path to a directory Directory or folder to be included in the library classpath for locating resource files
- application > classloader > privateLibrary
Description: List of library references. Library class instances are unique to this classloader, independent of class instances from other classloaders.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description apiTypeVisibility string spec,ibm-api,api The types of API package this library's class loader will be able to see, as a comma-separated list of any combination of the following: spec, ibm-api, api, third-party. description string Description of shared library for administrators filesetRef List of references to top level fileset elements (comma-separated string). Id of referenced Fileset name string Name of shared library for administrators
- application > classloader > privateLibrary > file
Description: Id of referenced File
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description name Path to a file Fully qualified filename
- application > classloader > privateLibrary > fileset
Description: Id of referenced Fileset
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description caseSensitive boolean true Boolean to indicate whether or not the search should be case sensitive (default: true). dir Path to a directory ${server.config.dir} The base directory to search for files. excludes string The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to exclude from the search results, by default no files are excluded. includes string * The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to include in the search results (default: *). scanInterval A period of time with millisecond precision 0 Scanning interval to check the fileset for changes as a long with a time unit suffix h-hour, m-minute, s-second, ms-millisecond (e.g. 2ms or 5s). Disabled (scanInterval=0) by default. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- application > classloader > privateLibrary > folder
Description: Id of referenced folder
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description dir Path to a directory Directory or folder to be included in the library classpath for locating resource files
- application > resourceAdapter
Description: Specifies configuration for a resource adapter that is embedded in an application.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description alias string ${id} Overrides the default identifier for the resource adapter. The identifier is used in the name of the resource adapter's configuration properties element, which in turn is used in determining the name of configuration properties elements for any resources provided by the resource adapter. The resource adapter's configuration properties element name has the format, properties.<APP_NAME>.<ALIAS>, where <APP_NAME> is the name of the application and <ALIAS> is the configured alias. If unspecified, the alias defaults to the module name of the resource adapter. autoStart boolean Configures whether a resource adapter starts automatically upon deployment of the resource adapter or lazily upon injection or lookup of a resource. contextServiceRef A reference to top level contextService element (string). Configures how context is captured and propagated to threads. id string Identifies the name of the embedded resource adapter module to which this configuration applies. schema.properties schemaPropertiesType Collection of properties for the interceptor.
- applicationMonitor
- Defines how the server responds to application additions, updates, and deletions.
Attribute name Data type Default value Description dropins Path to a directory dropins Location of the application drop-in directory expressed as an absolute path or a path relative to the server directory. dropinsEnabled boolean true Monitor the drop-in directory for application additions, updates, and deletions. pollingRate A period of time with millisecond precision 500ms Rate at which the server checks for application additions, updates, and deletions. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds. updateTrigger
- mbean
- polled
- disabled
polled Application update method or trigger.
- mbean
- Server will only update applications when prompted by an MBean called by an external program such as an integrated development environment or a management application.
- polled
- Server will scan for application changes at the polling interval and update any applications that have detectable changes.
- disabled
- Disables all update monitoring. Application changes will not be applied while the server is running.
- bundleRepository
- An internal bundle repository, in which we can store the bundles for the OSGi applications.
Attribute name Data type Default value Description filesetRef List of references to top level fileset elements (comma-separated string). Space separated list of fileset references id string A unique configuration ID.
- bundleRepository > fileset
Description: Space separated list of fileset references
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description caseSensitive boolean true Boolean to indicate whether or not the search should be case sensitive (default: true). dir Path to a directory ${server.config.dir} The base directory to search for files. excludes string The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to exclude from the search results, by default no files are excluded. includes string * The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to include in the search results (default: *). scanInterval A period of time with millisecond precision 0 Scanning interval to check the fileset for changes as a long with a time unit suffix h-hour, m-minute, s-second, ms-millisecond (e.g. 2ms or 5s). Disabled (scanInterval=0) by default. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- classloading
- Global classloading
Attribute name Data type Default value Description useJarUrls boolean false Whether to use jar: or wsjar: URLs for referencing files in archives
- library
- Shared Library
Attribute name Data type Default value Description apiTypeVisibility string spec,ibm-api,api The types of API package this library's class loader will be able to see, as a comma-separated list of any combination of the following: spec, ibm-api, api, third-party. description string Description of shared library for administrators filesetRef List of references to top level fileset elements (comma-separated string). Id of referenced Fileset id string A unique configuration ID. name string Name of shared library for administrators
- library > file
Description: Id of referenced File
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description name Path to a file Fully qualified filename
- library > fileset
Description: Id of referenced Fileset
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description caseSensitive boolean true Boolean to indicate whether or not the search should be case sensitive (default: true). dir Path to a directory ${server.config.dir} The base directory to search for files. excludes string The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to exclude from the search results, by default no files are excluded. includes string * The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to include in the search results (default: *). scanInterval A period of time with millisecond precision 0 Scanning interval to check the fileset for changes as a long with a time unit suffix h-hour, m-minute, s-second, ms-millisecond (e.g. 2ms or 5s). Disabled (scanInterval=0) by default. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- library > folder
Description: Id of referenced folder
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description dir Path to a directory Directory or folder to be included in the library classpath for locating resource files
- osgiApplication
- Defines the properties of an osgi application.
Attribute name Data type Default value Description autoStart boolean true Indicates whether or not the server should start the application automatically when the server starts. id string A unique configuration ID. location A file, directory or url. Location of an application expressed as an absolute path or a path relative to the server-level apps directory. name string Name of an application. suppressUncoveredHttpMethodWarning boolean false Option to suppress uncovered HTTP method warning message during application deployment.
- osgiApplication > application-bnd
Description: Binds general deployment information included in the application to specific resources.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description version string Version of the application bindings specification.
- osgiApplication > application-bnd > security-role
Description: A role that is mapped to users and groups in a domain user registry.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description name string Name of a security role.
- osgiApplication > application-bnd > security-role > group
Description: A group possessing a security role.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description access-id string Group access ID name string Name of a group possessing a security role.
- osgiApplication > application-bnd > security-role > run-as
Description: ID and password of a user required to access a bean from another bean.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description password Reversably encoded password (string) Password of a user required to access a bean from another bean. Stored in clear text or encoded form. To encode the password, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. userid string ID of a user required to access a bean from another bean.
- osgiApplication > application-bnd > security-role > special-subject
Description: Name of a special-subject possessing a security role.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description type
One of the following special subject types: ALL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS, EVERYONE.
- Everyone
- All authenticated users
- osgiApplication > application-bnd > security-role > user
Description: A user possessing a security role.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description access-id string A user access ID in the general form user:realmName/userUniqueId. A value will be generated if one is not specified. name string Name of a user possessing a security role.
- transaction
- Configuration properties for the Transaction Manager service
Attribute name Data type Default value Description acceptHeuristicHazard boolean true Whether all applications on this server accept the possibility of a heuristic hazard occurring in a two-phase transaction containing a one-phase resource. clientInactivityTimeout A period of time with second precision 60s Maximum duration between transactional requests from a remote client. Any period of client inactivity that exceeds this timeout results in the transaction being rolled back in this application server. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. dataSourceRef A reference to top level dataSource element (string). This is an optional property. By default the transaction service stores its recovery logs in a file. As an alternative it is possible to store the logs in an RDBMS. This is achieved by setting this property which defines a non-transactional data source where the transaction logs will be stored. defaultMaxShutdownDelay A period of time with second precision 2s Default maximum shutdown delay. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. enableLoggingForHeuristicReporting boolean false Whether the application server logs about-to-commit-one-phase-resource events from transactions that involve both a one-phase commit resource and two-phase commit resources. heuristicRetryInterval A period of time with second precision 60s Amount of time that the application server waits before retrying a completion signal, such as commit or rollback, after a transient exception from a resource manager or remote partner. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. heuristicRetryWait int 5 The number of times that the application server retries a completion signal, such as commit or rollback. Retries occur after a transient exception from a resource manager or remote partner. lpsHeuristicCompletion
ROLLBACK Direction used to complete a transaction that has a heuristic outcome; either the application server commits or rolls back the transaction, or depends on manual completion by the administrator. Allowed values are: COMMIT, ROLLBACK and MANUAL
- Commit
- Manual
- Rollback
propogatedOrBMTTranLifetimeTimeout A period of time with second precision 0 Upper limit of the transaction timeout for transactions that run in this server. Should be greater than or equal to the value specified for the total transaction timeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. recoverOnStartup boolean false Whether the server should begin transaction recovery at server startup. timeoutGracePeriodEnabled boolean false Whether there is a delay between a transaction timeout and the abnormal ending of the servant region that was running the transaction. totalTranLifetimeTimeout A period of time with second precision 120s Default maximum time allowed for transactions started on this server to complete. Any such transactions that do not complete before this timeout occurs are rolled back. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. transactionLogDBTableSuffix string When recovery logs are stored in an RDBMS table, this property allows the table name to be post-pended with a string to make it unique for this Server. transactionLogDirectory string ${server.output.dir}/tranlog/ A directory for this server where the transaction service stores log files for recovery. transactionLogSize int 1024 Size of transaction log files in Kilobytes. waitForRecovery boolean false Whether the server should wait for transaction recovery to complete before accepting new transactional work.
- transaction > dataSource
Description: This is an optional property. By default the transaction service stores its recovery logs in a file. As an alternative it is possible to store the logs in an RDBMS. This is achieved by setting this property which defines a non-transactional data source where the transaction logs will be stored.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description beginTranForResultSetScrollingAPIs boolean true Attempt transaction enlistment when result set scrolling interfaces are used. beginTranForVendorAPIs boolean true Attempt transaction enlistment when vendor interfaces are used. commitOrRollbackOnCleanup
- commit
- rollback
Determines how to clean up connections that might be in a database unit of work (AutoCommit=false) when the connection is closed or returned to the pool.
- commit
- Clean up the connection by committing.
- rollback
- Clean up the connection by rolling back.
connectionManagerRef A reference to top level connectionManager element (string). Connection manager for a data source. connectionSharing
MatchOriginalRequest Specifies how connections are matched for sharing.
- MatchOriginalRequest
- When sharing connections, match based on the original connection request.
- MatchCurrentState
- When sharing connections, match based on the current state of the connection.
containerAuthDataRef A reference to top level authData element (string). Default authentication data for container managed authentication that applies when bindings do not specify an authentication-alias for a resource reference with res-auth=CONTAINER. isolationLevel
Default transaction isolation level.
- Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom reads can occur.
- Dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
- Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads are prevented.
- Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
- Snapshot isolation for Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver and DataDirect Connect for JDBC driver.
jdbcDriverRef A reference to top level jdbcDriver element (string). JDBC driver for a data source. jndiName string JNDI name for a data source. queryTimeout A period of time with second precision Default query timeout for SQL statements. In a JTA transaction, syncQueryTimeoutWithTransactionTimeout can override this default. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. recoveryAuthDataRef A reference to top level authData element (string). Authentication data for transaction recovery. statementCacheSize int Minimum: 0
10 Maximum number of cached statements per connection. supplementalJDBCTrace boolean Supplements the JDBC driver trace that is logged when JDBC driver trace is enabled in bootstrap.properties. JDBC driver trace specifications include: com.ibm.ws.database.logwriter, com.ibm.ws.db2.logwriter, com.ibm.ws.derby.logwriter, com.ibm.ws.informix.logwriter, com.ibm.ws.oracle.logwriter, com.ibm.ws.sqlserver.logwriter, com.ibm.ws.sybase.logwriter. syncQueryTimeoutWithTransactionTimeout boolean false Use the time remaining (if any) in a JTA transaction as the default query timeout for SQL statements. transactional boolean true Enable participation in transactions managed by the application server. type
- javax.sql.DataSource
- javax.sql.XADataSource
- javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
Type of data source.
- javax.sql.DataSource
- javax.sql.DataSource
- javax.sql.XADataSource
- javax.sql.XADataSource
- javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
- javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
- transaction > dataSource > connectionManager
Description: Connection manager for a data source.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description agedTimeout A period of time with second precision -1 Amount of time before a physical connection can be discarded by pool maintenance. A value of -1 disables this timeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. connectionTimeout A period of time with second precision 30s Amount of time after which a connection request times out. A value of -1 disables this timeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. maxConnectionsPerThread int Minimum: 0
Limits the number of open connections on each thread. maxIdleTime A period of time with second precision 30m Amount of time after which an unused or idle connection can be discarded during pool maintenance, if doing so does not reduce the pool below the minimum size. A value of -1 disables this timeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. maxPoolSize int Minimum: 0
50 Maximum number of physical connections for a pool. A value of 0 means unlimited. minPoolSize int Minimum: 0
Minimum number of physical connections to maintain in the pool. The pool is not pre-populated. Aged timeout can override the minimum. numConnectionsPerThreadLocal int Minimum: 0
Caches the specified number of connections for each thread. purgePolicy
- ValidateAllConnections
- FailingConnectionOnly
- EntirePool
EntirePool Specifies which connections to destroy when a stale connection is detected in a pool.
- ValidateAllConnections
- When a stale connection is detected, connections are tested and those found to be bad are closed.
- FailingConnectionOnly
- When a stale connection is detected, only the connection which was found to be bad is closed.
- EntirePool
- When a stale connection is detected, all connections in the pool are marked stale, and when no longer in use, are closed.
reapTime A period of time with second precision 3m Amount of time between runs of the pool maintenance thread. A value of -1 disables pool maintenance. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- transaction > dataSource > containerAuthData
Description: Default authentication data for container managed authentication that applies when bindings do not specify an authentication-alias for a resource reference with res-auth=CONTAINER.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description password Reversably encoded password (string) Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. Stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. user string Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS.
- transaction > dataSource > jdbcDriver
Description: JDBC driver for a data source.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource string JDBC driver implementation of javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource. javax.sql.DataSource string JDBC driver implementation of javax.sql.DataSource. javax.sql.XADataSource string JDBC driver implementation of javax.sql.XADataSource. libraryRef A reference to top level library element (string). Identifies JDBC driver JARs and native files.
- transaction > dataSource > jdbcDriver > library
Description: Identifies JDBC driver JARs and native files.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description apiTypeVisibility string spec,ibm-api,api The types of API package this library's class loader will be able to see, as a comma-separated list of any combination of the following: spec, ibm-api, api, third-party. description string Description of shared library for administrators filesetRef List of references to top level fileset elements (comma-separated string). Id of referenced Fileset name string Name of shared library for administrators
- transaction > dataSource > jdbcDriver > library > file
Description: Id of referenced File
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description name Path to a file Fully qualified filename
- transaction > dataSource > jdbcDriver > library > fileset
Description: Id of referenced Fileset
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description caseSensitive boolean true Boolean to indicate whether or not the search should be case sensitive (default: true). dir Path to a directory ${server.config.dir} The base directory to search for files. excludes string The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to exclude from the search results, by default no files are excluded. includes string * The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to include in the search results (default: *). scanInterval A period of time with millisecond precision 0 Scanning interval to check the fileset for changes as a long with a time unit suffix h-hour, m-minute, s-second, ms-millisecond (e.g. 2ms or 5s). Disabled (scanInterval=0) by default. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- transaction > dataSource > jdbcDriver > library > folder
Description: Id of referenced folder
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description dir Path to a directory Directory or folder to be included in the library classpath for locating resource files
- transaction > dataSource > properties
Description: List of JDBC vendor properties for the data source. For example, databaseName="dbname" serverName="localhost" portNumber="50000".
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description URL string URL for connecting to the database. databaseName string JDBC driver property: databaseName. password Reversably encoded password (string) It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. portNumber int Port on which to obtain database connections. serverName string Server where the database is running. user string It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property.
- transaction > dataSource > properties.datadirect.sqlserver
Description: Data source properties for the DataDirect Connect for JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description JDBCBehavior
- 1
- 0
0 JDBC driver property: JDBCBehavior. Values are: 0 (JDBC 4.0) or 1 (JDBC 3.0).
- 1
- JDBC 3.0
- 0
- JDBC 4.0
XATransactionGroup string JDBC driver property: XATransactionGroup. XMLDescribeType
- longvarbinary
- longvarchar
JDBC driver property: XMLDescribeType.
- longvarbinary
- longvarbinary
- longvarchar
- longvarchar
accountingInfo string JDBC driver property: accountingInfo. alternateServers string JDBC driver property: alternateServers. alwaysReportTriggerResults boolean JDBC driver property: alwaysReportTriggerResults. applicationName string JDBC driver property: applicationName. authenticationMethod
- ntlm
- userIdPassword
- kerberos
- auto
JDBC driver property: authenticationMethod.
- ntlm
- ntlm
- userIdPassword
- userIdPassword
- kerberos
- kerberos
- auto
- auto
bulkLoadBatchSize long JDBC driver property: bulkLoadBatchSize. bulkLoadOptions long JDBC driver property: bulkLoadOptions. clientHostName string JDBC driver property: clientHostName. clientUser string JDBC driver property: clientUser. codePageOverride string JDBC driver property: codePageOverride. connectionRetryCount int JDBC driver property: connectionRetryCount. connectionRetryDelay A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: connectionRetryDelay. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. convertNull int JDBC driver property: convertNull. databaseName string JDBC driver property: databaseName. dateTimeInputParameterType
- dateTime
- dateTimeOffset
- auto
JDBC driver property: dateTimeInputParameterType.
- dateTime
- dateTime
- dateTimeOffset
- dateTimeOffset
- auto
- auto
- dateTime
- dateTimeOffset
- auto
JDBC driver property: dateTimeOutputParameterType.
- dateTime
- dateTime
- dateTimeOffset
- dateTimeOffset
- auto
- auto
- describeIfString
- noDescribe
- describeIfDateTime
- describeAll
JDBC driver property: describeInputParameters.
- describeIfString
- describeIfString
- noDescribe
- noDescribe
- describeIfDateTime
- describeIfDateTime
- describeAll
- describeAll
- describeIfString
- noDescribe
- describeIfDateTime
- describeAll
JDBC driver property: describeOutputParameters.
- describeIfString
- describeIfString
- noDescribe
- noDescribe
- describeIfDateTime
- describeIfDateTime
- describeAll
- describeAll
enableBulkLoad boolean JDBC driver property: enableBulkLoad. enableCancelTimeout boolean JDBC driver property: enableCancelTimeout. encryptionMethod
- loginSSL
- requestSSL
- noEncryption
JDBC driver property: encryptionMethod.
- loginSSL
- loginSSL
- requestSSL
- requestSSL
- noEncryption
- noEncryption
- disableIntegrityCheck
- atomicWithRepositioning
- nonAtomic
- atomic
JDBC driver property: failoverGranularity.
- disableIntegrityCheck
- disableIntegrityCheck
- atomicWithRepositioning
- atomicWithRepositioning
- nonAtomic
- nonAtomic
- atomic
- atomic
- connect
- select
- extended
JDBC driver property: failoverMode.
- connect
- connect
- select
- select
- extended
- extended
failoverPreconnect boolean JDBC driver property: failoverPreconnect. hostNameInCertificate string JDBC driver property: hostNameInCertificate. initializationString string JDBC driver property: initializationString. insensitiveResultSetBufferSize int JDBC driver property: insensitiveResultSetBufferSize. javaDoubleToString boolean JDBC driver property: javaDoubleToString. loadBalancing boolean JDBC driver property: loadBalancing. loginTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. longDataCacheSize int Minimum: -1
JDBC driver property: longDataCacheSize. netAddress string JDBC driver property: netAddress. packetSize int Minimum: -1
Maximum: 128
JDBC driver property: packetSize. password Reversably encoded password (string) It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. portNumber int 1433 Port on which to obtain database connections. queryTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: queryTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. resultsetMetaDataOptions int JDBC driver property: resultsetMetaDataOptions. selectMethod
- direct
- cursor
JDBC driver property: selectMethod.
- direct
- direct
- cursor
- cursor
serverName string localhost Server where the database is running. snapshotSerializable boolean JDBC driver property: snapshotSerializable. spyAttributes string JDBC driver property: spyAttributes. stringInputParameterType
- varchar
- nvarchar
varchar JDBC driver property: stringInputParameterType.
- varchar
- varchar
- nvarchar
- nvarchar
- varchar
- nvarchar
varchar JDBC driver property: stringOutputParameterType.
- varchar
- varchar
- nvarchar
- nvarchar
suppressConnectionWarnings boolean JDBC driver property: suppressConnectionWarnings. transactionMode
- explicit
- implicit
JDBC driver property: transactionMode.
- explicit
- explicit
- implicit
- implicit
truncateFractionalSeconds boolean JDBC driver property: truncateFractionalSeconds. trustStore string JDBC driver property: trustStore. trustStorePassword Reversably encoded password (string) JDBC driver property: trustStorePassword. useServerSideUpdatableCursors boolean JDBC driver property: useServerSideUpdatableCursors. user string It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. validateServerCertificate boolean JDBC driver property: validateServerCertificate.
- transaction > dataSource > properties.db2.i.native
Description: Data source properties for the IBM DB2 for i Native JDBC driver.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description access
- read only
- all
- read call
all JDBC driver property: access.
- read only
- read only
- all
- all
- read call
- read call
autoCommit boolean true JDBC driver property: autoCommit. batchStyle
- 2.1
- 2.0
2.0 JDBC driver property: batchStyle.
- 2.1
- 2.1
- 2.0
- 2.0
behaviorOverride int JDBC driver property: behaviorOverride. blockSize
- 512
- 128
- 0
- 32
- 64
- 16
- 8
- 256
32 JDBC driver property: blockSize.
- 512
- 512
- 128
- 128
- 0
- 0
- 32
- 32
- 64
- 64
- 16
- 16
- 8
- 8
- 256
- 256
cursorHold boolean false JDBC driver property: cursorHold. cursorSensitivity
- asensitive
- sensitive
asensitive JDBC driver property: cursorSensitivity. Values are: 0 (TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE_STATIC), 1 (TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE_DYNAMIC), 2 (TYPE_SCROLL_ASENSITIVE).
- asensitive
- asensitive
- sensitive
- sensitive
dataTruncation string true JDBC driver property: dataTruncation. databaseName string *LOCAL JDBC driver property: databaseName. dateFormat
- dmy
- iso
- eur
- ymd
- julian
- jis
- usa
- mdy
JDBC driver property: dateFormat.
- dmy
- dmy
- iso
- iso
- eur
- eur
- ymd
- ymd
- julian
- julian
- jis
- jis
- usa
- usa
- mdy
- mdy
- \,
- b
- .
- /
- -
JDBC driver property: dateSeparator.
- \,
- The comma character (,).
- b
- The character b
- .
- The period character (.).
- /
- The forward slash character (/).
- -
- The dash character (-).
- \,
- .
JDBC driver property: decimalSeparator.
- \,
- The comma character (,).
- .
- The period character (.).
directMap boolean true JDBC driver property: directMap. doEscapeProcessing boolean true JDBC driver property: doEscapeProcessing. fullErrors boolean JDBC driver property: fullErrors. libraries string JDBC driver property: libraries. lobThreshold int Maximum: 500000
0 JDBC driver property: lobThreshold. lockTimeout A period of time with second precision 0 JDBC driver property: lockTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. loginTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. maximumPrecision
- 31
- 63
31 JDBC driver property: maximumPrecision.
- 31
- 31
- 63
- 63
maximumScale int Minimum: 0
Maximum: 63
31 JDBC driver property: maximumScale. minimumDivideScale int Minimum: 0
Maximum: 9
0 JDBC driver property: minimumDivideScale. networkProtocol int JDBC driver property: networkProtocol. password Reversably encoded password (string) It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. portNumber int Port on which to obtain database connections. prefetch boolean true JDBC driver property: prefetch. queryOptimizeGoal
- 2
- 1
2 JDBC driver property: queryOptimizeGoal. Values are: 1 (*FIRSTIO) or 2 (*ALLIO).
- 2
- 1
reuseObjects boolean true JDBC driver property: reuseObjects. serverName string Server where the database is running. serverTraceCategories int 0 JDBC driver property: serverTraceCategories. systemNaming boolean false JDBC driver property: systemNaming. timeFormat
- iso
- eur
- jis
- usa
- hms
JDBC driver property: timeFormat.
- iso
- iso
- eur
- eur
- jis
- jis
- usa
- usa
- hms
- hms
- \,
- b
- :
- .
JDBC driver property: timeSeparator.
- \,
- The comma character (,).
- b
- The character b
- :
- The colon character (:).
- .
- The period character (.).
trace boolean JDBC driver property: trace. transactionTimeout A period of time with second precision 0 JDBC driver property: transactionTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. translateBinary boolean false JDBC driver property: translateBinary. translateHex
- binary
- character
character JDBC driver property: translateHex.
- binary
- binary
- character
- character
useBlockInsert boolean false JDBC driver property: useBlockInsert. user string It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property.
- transaction > dataSource > properties.db2.i.toolbox
Description: Data source properties for the IBM DB2 for i Toolbox JDBC driver.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description access
- read only
- all
- read call
all JDBC driver property: access.
- read only
- read only
- all
- all
- read call
- read call
behaviorOverride int JDBC driver property: behaviorOverride. bidiImplicitReordering boolean true JDBC driver property: bidiImplicitReordering. bidiNumericOrdering boolean false JDBC driver property: bidiNumericOrdering. bidiStringType int JDBC driver property: bidiStringType. bigDecimal boolean true JDBC driver property: bigDecimal. blockCriteria
- 2
- 1
- 0
2 JDBC driver property: blockCriteria. Values are: 0 (no record blocking), 1 (block if FOR FETCH ONLY is specified), 2 (block if FOR UPDATE is specified).
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 512
- 128
- 0
- 32
- 64
- 16
- 8
- 256
32 JDBC driver property: blockSize.
- 512
- 512
- 128
- 128
- 0
- 0
- 32
- 32
- 64
- 64
- 16
- 16
- 8
- 8
- 256
- 256
cursorHold boolean false JDBC driver property: cursorHold. cursorSensitivity
- asensitive
- sensitive
- insensitive
asensitive JDBC driver property: cursorSensitivity. Values are: 0 (TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE_STATIC), 1 (TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE_DYNAMIC), 2 (TYPE_SCROLL_ASENSITIVE).
- asensitive
- asensitive
- sensitive
- sensitive
- insensitive
- insensitive
dataCompression boolean true JDBC driver property: dataCompression. dataTruncation boolean true JDBC driver property: dataTruncation. databaseName string JDBC driver property: databaseName. dateFormat
- dmy
- iso
- eur
- ymd
- julian
- jis
- usa
- mdy
JDBC driver property: dateFormat.
- dmy
- dmy
- iso
- iso
- eur
- eur
- ymd
- ymd
- julian
- julian
- jis
- jis
- usa
- usa
- mdy
- mdy
- \,
- .
- /
- -
JDBC driver property: dateSeparator.
- The space character ( ).
- \,
- The comma character (,).
- .
- The period character (.).
- /
- The forward slash character (/).
- -
- The dash character (-).
- \,
- .
JDBC driver property: decimalSeparator.
- \,
- The comma character (,).
- .
- The period character (.).
- toolbox
- native
toolbox JDBC driver property: driver.
- toolbox
- toolbox
- native
- native
- full
- basic
basic JDBC driver property: errors.
- full
- full
- basic
- basic
extendedDynamic boolean false JDBC driver property: extendedDynamic. extendedMetaData boolean false JDBC driver property: extendedMetaData. fullOpen boolean false JDBC driver property: fullOpen. holdInputLocators boolean true JDBC driver property: holdInputLocators. holdStatements boolean false JDBC driver property: holdStatements. isolationLevelSwitchingSupport boolean false JDBC driver property: isolationLevelSwitchingSupport. keepAlive boolean JDBC driver property: keepAlive. lazyClose boolean false JDBC driver property: lazyClose. libraries string JDBC driver property: libraries. lobThreshold int Minimum: 0
Maximum: 16777216
0 JDBC driver property: lobThreshold. loginTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. maximumPrecision
- 31
- 63
31 JDBC driver property: maximumPrecision.
- 31
- 31
- 63
- 64
maximumScale int Minimum: 0
Maximum: 63
31 JDBC driver property: maximumScale. metaDataSource int Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1
1 JDBC driver property: metaDataSource. minimumDivideScale int Minimum: 0
Maximum: 9
0 JDBC driver property: minimumDivideScale. naming
- system
- sql
sql JDBC driver property: naming.
- system
- system
- sql
- sql
package string JDBC driver property: package. packageAdd boolean true JDBC driver property: packageAdd. packageCCSID
- 13488
- 1200
13488 JDBC driver property: packageCCSID. Values are: 1200 (UCS-2) or 13488 (UTF-16).
- 13488
- 13488 (UTF-16)
- 1200
- 1200 (UCS-2)
packageCache boolean false JDBC driver property: packageCache. packageCriteria
- default
- select
default JDBC driver property: packageCriteria.
- default
- default
- select
- select
- exception
- none
- warning
warning JDBC driver property: packageError.
- exception
- exception
- none
- none
- warning
- warning
packageLibrary string QGPL JDBC driver property: packageLibrary. password Reversably encoded password (string) It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. prefetch boolean true JDBC driver property: prefetch. prompt boolean false JDBC driver property: prompt. proxyServer string JDBC driver property: proxyServer. qaqqiniLibrary string JDBC driver property: qaqqiniLibrary. queryOptimizeGoal int Minimum: 0
Maximum: 2
0 JDBC driver property: queryOptimizeGoal. Values are: 1 (*FIRSTIO) or 2 (*ALLIO). receiveBufferSize int Minimum: 1
JDBC driver property: receiveBufferSize. remarks
- system
- sql
system JDBC driver property: remarks.
- system
- system
- sql
- sql
rollbackCursorHold boolean false JDBC driver property: rollbackCursorHold. savePasswordWhenSerialized boolean false JDBC driver property: savePasswordWhenSerialized. secondaryUrl string JDBC driver property: secondaryUrl. secure boolean false JDBC driver property: secure. sendBufferSize int Minimum: 1
JDBC driver property: sendBufferSize. serverName string Server where the database is running. serverTraceCategories int 0 JDBC driver property: serverTraceCategories. soLinger A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: soLinger. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. soTimeout A period of time with millisecond precision JDBC driver property: soTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds. sort
- hex
- table
- language
hex JDBC driver property: sort.
- hex
- hex
- table
- table
- language
- language
sortLanguage string JDBC driver property: sortLanguage. sortTable string JDBC driver property: sortTable. sortWeight
- unqiue
- shared
JDBC driver property: sortWeight.
- unqiue
- unique
- shared
- shared
tcpNoDelay boolean JDBC driver property: tcpNoDelay. threadUsed boolean true JDBC driver property: threadUsed. timeFormat
- iso
- eur
- jis
- usa
- hms
JDBC driver property: timeFormat.
- iso
- iso
- eur
- eur
- jis
- jis
- usa
- usa
- hms
- hms
- \,
- :
- .
JDBC driver property: timeSeparator.
- The space character ( ).
- \,
- The comma character (,).
- :
- The colon character (:).
- .
- The period character (.).
- diagnostic
- information
- conversion
- error
- thread
- proxy
- none
- datastream
- pcml
- all
- jdbc
- warning
JDBC driver property: toolboxTrace.
- diagnostic
- diagnostic
- information
- information
- conversion
- conversion
- error
- error
- thread
- thread
- proxy
- proxy
- none
- none
- datastream
- datastream
- pcml
- pcml
- all
- all
- jdbc
- jdbc
- warning
- warning
trace boolean JDBC driver property: trace. translateBinary boolean false JDBC driver property: translateBinary. translateBoolean boolean true JDBC driver property: translateBoolean. translateHex
- binary
- character
character JDBC driver property: translateHex.
- binary
- binary
- character
- character
trueAutoCommit boolean false JDBC driver property: trueAutoCommit. user string It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. xaLooselyCoupledSupport int Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1
0 JDBC driver property: xaLooselyCoupledSupport.
- transaction > dataSource > properties.db2.jcc
Description: Data source properties for the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ for DB2.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description activateDatabase int JDBC driver property: activateDatabase. alternateGroupDatabaseName string JDBC driver property: alternateGroupDatabaseName. alternateGroupPortNumber string JDBC driver property: alternateGroupPortNumber. alternateGroupServerName string JDBC driver property: alternateGroupServerName. blockingReadConnectionTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: blockingReadConnectionTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. clientAccountingInformation string JDBC driver property: clientAccountingInformation. clientApplicationInformation string JDBC driver property: clientApplicationInformation. clientRerouteServerListJNDIName string JDBC driver property: clientRerouteServerListJNDIName. clientUser string JDBC driver property: clientUser. clientWorkstation string JDBC driver property: clientWorkstation. connectionCloseWithInFlightTransaction
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: connectionCloseWithInFlightTransaction.
- 2
- 1
currentAlternateGroupEntry int JDBC driver property: currentAlternateGroupEntry. currentFunctionPath string JDBC driver property: currentFunctionPath. currentLocaleLcCtype string JDBC driver property: currentLocaleLcCtype. currentLockTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: currentLockTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. currentPackagePath string JDBC driver property: currentPackagePath. currentPackageSet string JDBC driver property: currentPackageSet. currentSQLID string JDBC driver property: currentSQLID. currentSchema string JDBC driver property: currentSchema. cursorSensitivity
- 2
- 1
- 0
- 2
- 1
- 0
databaseName string JDBC driver property: databaseName. deferPrepares boolean true JDBC driver property: deferPrepares. driverType
- 2
- 4
4 JDBC driver property: driverType.
- 2
- Type 2 JDBC driver.
- 4
- Type 4 JDBC driver.
enableAlternateGroupSeamlessACR boolean JDBC driver property: enableAlternateGroupSeamlessACR. enableClientAffinitiesList
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: enableClientAffinitiesList. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO).
- 2
- NO
- 1
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: enableExtendedDescribe.
- 2
- NO
- 1
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: enableExtendedIndicators.
- 2
- NO
- 1
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: enableNamedParameterMarkers. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO).
- 2
- NO
- 1
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: enableSeamlessFailover. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO).
- 2
- NO
- 1
enableSysplexWLB boolean JDBC driver property: enableSysplexWLB. fetchSize int JDBC driver property: fetchSize. fullyMaterializeInputStreams boolean JDBC driver property: fullyMaterializeInputStreams. fullyMaterializeInputStreamsOnBatchExecution
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: fullyMaterializeInputStreamsOnBatchExecution.
- 2
- NO
- 1
fullyMaterializeLobData boolean JDBC driver property: fullyMaterializeLobData. implicitRollbackOption
- 2
- 1
- 0
JDBC driver property: implicitRollbackOption.
- 2
- 1
- 0
- 2
- 1
- 0
JDBC driver property: interruptProcessingMode.
- 2
- 1
- 0
keepAliveTimeOut A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: keepAliveTimeOut. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. keepDynamic int JDBC driver property: keepDynamic. kerberosServerPrincipal string JDBC driver property: kerberosServerPrincipal. loginTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. maxConnCachedParamBufferSize int JDBC driver property: maxConnCachedParamBufferSize. maxRetriesForClientReroute int JDBC driver property: maxRetriesForClientReroute. password Reversably encoded password (string) It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. portNumber int 50000 Port on which to obtain database connections. profileName string JDBC driver property: profileName. queryCloseImplicit
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: queryCloseImplicit. Values are: 1 (QUERY_CLOSE_IMPLICIT_YES) or 2 (QUERY_CLOSE_IMPLICIT_NO).
- 2
- 1
queryDataSize int Minimum: 4096
Maximum: 65535
JDBC driver property: queryDataSize. queryTimeoutInterruptProcessingMode
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: queryTimeoutInterruptProcessingMode.
- 2
- 1
readOnly boolean JDBC driver property: readOnly. recordTemporalHistory
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: recordTemporalHistory.
- 2
- NO
- 1
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: resultSetHoldability. Values are: 1 (HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT) or 2 (CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT).
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: resultSetHoldabilityForCatalogQueries. Values are: 1 (HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT) or 2 (CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT).
- 2
- 1
retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage boolean true JDBC driver property: retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage. retryIntervalForClientReroute A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: retryIntervalForClientReroute. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. securityMechanism
- 3
- 7
- 4
- 15
- 9
- 16
- 13
- 11
- 12
- 3
- 7
- 4
- 15
- 9
- 16
- 13
- 11
- 12
sendDataAsIs boolean JDBC driver property: sendDataAsIs. serverName string localhost Server where the database is running. sessionTimeZone string JDBC driver property: sessionTimeZone. sqljCloseStmtsWithOpenResultSet boolean JDBC driver property: sqljCloseStmtsWithOpenResultSet. sqljEnableClassLoaderSpecificProfiles boolean JDBC driver property: sqljEnableClassLoaderSpecificProfiles. sslConnection boolean JDBC driver property: sslConnection. streamBufferSize int JDBC driver property: streamBufferSize. stripTrailingZerosForDecimalNumbers
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: stripTrailingZerosForDecimalNumbers.
- 2
- NO
- 1
sysSchema string JDBC driver property: sysSchema. timerLevelForQueryTimeOut
- 2
- 1
- -1
JDBC driver property: timerLevelForQueryTimeOut.
- 2
- 1
- -1
traceDirectory string JDBC driver property: traceDirectory. traceFile string JDBC driver property: traceFile. traceFileAppend boolean JDBC driver property: traceFileAppend. traceFileCount int JDBC driver property: traceFileCount. traceFileSize int JDBC driver property: traceFileSize. traceLevel int 0 Bitwise combination of the following constant values: TRACE_NONE=0, TRACE_CONNECTION_CALLS=1, TRACE_STATEMENT_CALLS=2, TRACE_RESULT_SET_CALLS=4, TRACE_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION=16, TRACE_CONNECTS=32, TRACE_DRDA_FLOWS=64, TRACE_RESULT_SET_META_DATA=128, TRACE_PARAMETER_META_DATA=256, TRACE_DIAGNOSTICS=512, TRACE_SQLJ=1024, TRACE_META_CALLS=8192, TRACE_DATASOURCE_CALLS=16384, TRACE_LARGE_OBJECT_CALLS=32768, TRACE_SYSTEM_MONITOR=131072, TRACE_TRACEPOINTS=262144, TRACE_ALL=-1. traceOption
- 1
- 0
JDBC driver property: traceOption
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: translateForBitData.
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: updateCountForBatch.
- 2
- 1
useCachedCursor boolean JDBC driver property: useCachedCursor. useIdentityValLocalForAutoGeneratedKeys boolean JDBC driver property: useIdentityValLocalForAutoGeneratedKeys. useJDBC41DefinitionForGetColumns
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: useJDBC41DefinitionForGetColumns.
- 2
- NO
- 1
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO).
- 2
- NO
- 1
useTransactionRedirect boolean JDBC driver property: useTransactionRedirect. user string It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. xaNetworkOptimization boolean JDBC driver property: xaNetworkOptimization.
- transaction > dataSource > properties.derby.client
Description: Data source properties for Derby Network Client JDBC driver.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description connectionAttributes string JDBC driver property: connectionAttributes. createDatabase
- false
- create
JDBC driver property: createDatabase.
- false
- Do not automatically create the database.
- create
- When the first connection is established, automatically create the database if it doesn't exist.
databaseName string JDBC driver property: databaseName. loginTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. password Reversably encoded password (string) It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. portNumber int 1527 Port on which to obtain database connections. retrieveMessageText boolean true JDBC driver property: retrieveMessageText. securityMechanism
- 3
- 7
- 4
- 9
- 8
- 3
- 7
- 4
- 9
- 8
serverName string localhost Server where the database is running. shutdownDatabase
- false
- shutdown
JDBC driver property: shutdownDatabase.
- false
- Do not shut down the database.
- shutdown
- Shut down the database when a connection is attempted.
- basic
- off
- peerAuthentication
JDBC driver property: ssl.
- basic
- basic
- off
- off
- peerAuthentication
- peerAuthentication
traceDirectory string JDBC driver property: traceDirectory. traceFile string JDBC driver property: traceFile. traceFileAppend boolean JDBC driver property: traceFileAppend. traceLevel int Bitwise combination of the following constant values: TRACE_NONE=0, TRACE_CONNECTION_CALLS=1, TRACE_STATEMENT_CALLS=2, TRACE_RESULT_SET_CALLS=4, TRACE_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION=16, TRACE_CONNECTS=32, TRACE_DRDA_FLOWS=64, TRACE_RESULT_SET_META_DATA=128, TRACE_PARAMETER_META_DATA=256, TRACE_DIAGNOSTICS=512, TRACE_XA_CALLS=2048, TRACE_ALL=-1. user string It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property.
- transaction > dataSource > properties.derby.embedded
Description: Data source properties for Derby Embedded JDBC driver.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description connectionAttributes string JDBC driver property: connectionAttributes. createDatabase
- false
- create
JDBC driver property: createDatabase.
- false
- Do not automatically create the database.
- create
- When the first connection is established, automatically create the database if it doesn't exist.
databaseName string JDBC driver property: databaseName. loginTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. password Reversably encoded password (string) It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. shutdownDatabase
- false
- shutdown
JDBC driver property: shutdownDatabase.
- false
- Do not shut down the database.
- shutdown
- Shut down the database when a connection is attempted.
user string It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property.
- transaction > dataSource > properties.informix
Description: Data source properties for the Informix JDBC driver.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description databaseName string JDBC driver property: databaseName. ifxCLIENT_LOCALE string JDBC driver property: ifxCLIENT_LOCALE. ifxCPMAgeLimit A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: ifxCPMAgeLimit. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. ifxCPMInitPoolSize int JDBC driver property: ifxCPMInitPoolSize. ifxCPMMaxConnections int JDBC driver property: ifxCPMMaxConnections. ifxCPMMaxPoolSize int JDBC driver property: ifxCPMMaxPoolSize. ifxCPMMinAgeLimit A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: ifxCPMMinAgeLimit. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. ifxCPMMinPoolSize int JDBC driver property: ifxCPMMinPoolSize. ifxCPMServiceInterval A period of time with millisecond precision JDBC driver property: ifxCPMServiceInterval. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds. ifxDBANSIWARN boolean JDBC driver property: ifxDBANSIWARN. ifxDBCENTURY string JDBC driver property: ifxDBCENTURY. ifxDBDATE string JDBC driver property: ifxDBDATE. ifxDBSPACETEMP string JDBC driver property: ifxDBSPACETEMP. ifxDBTEMP string JDBC driver property: ifxDBTEMP. ifxDBTIME string JDBC driver property: ifxDBTIME. ifxDBUPSPACE string JDBC driver property: ifxDBUPSPACE. ifxDB_LOCALE string JDBC driver property: ifxDB_LOCALE. ifxDELIMIDENT boolean JDBC driver property: ifxDELIMIDENT. ifxENABLE_TYPE_CACHE boolean JDBC driver property: ifxENABLE_TYPE_CACHE. ifxFET_BUF_SIZE int JDBC driver property: ifxFET_BUF_SIZE. ifxGL_DATE string JDBC driver property: ifxGL_DATE. ifxGL_DATETIME string JDBC driver property: ifxGL_DATETIME. ifxIFXHOST string localhost JDBC driver property: ifxIFXHOST. ifxIFX_AUTOFREE boolean JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_AUTOFREE. ifxIFX_DIRECTIVES string JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_DIRECTIVES. ifxIFX_LOCK_MODE_WAIT A period of time with second precision 2s JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_LOCK_MODE_WAIT. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. ifxIFX_SOC_TIMEOUT A period of time with millisecond precision JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_SOC_TIMEOUT. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds. ifxIFX_USEPUT boolean JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_USEPUT. ifxIFX_USE_STRENC boolean JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_USE_STRENC. ifxIFX_XASPEC string y JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_XASPEC. ifxINFORMIXCONRETRY int JDBC driver property: ifxINFORMIXCONRETRY. ifxINFORMIXCONTIME A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: ifxINFORMIXCONTIME. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. ifxINFORMIXOPCACHE string JDBC driver property: ifxINFORMIXOPCACHE. ifxINFORMIXSTACKSIZE int JDBC driver property: ifxINFORMIXSTACKSIZE. ifxJDBCTEMP string JDBC driver property: ifxJDBCTEMP. ifxLDAP_IFXBASE string JDBC driver property: ifxLDAP_IFXBASE. ifxLDAP_PASSWD string JDBC driver property: ifxLDAP_PASSWD. ifxLDAP_URL string JDBC driver property: ifxLDAP_URL. ifxLDAP_USER string JDBC driver property: ifxLDAP_USER. ifxLOBCACHE int JDBC driver property: ifxLOBCACHE. ifxNEWCODESET string JDBC driver property: ifxNEWCODESET. ifxNEWLOCALE string JDBC driver property: ifxNEWLOCALE. ifxNODEFDAC string JDBC driver property: ifxNODEFDAC. ifxOPTCOMPIND string JDBC driver property: ifxOPTCOMPIND. ifxOPTOFC string JDBC driver property: ifxOPTOFC. ifxOPT_GOAL string JDBC driver property: ifxOPT_GOAL. ifxPATH string JDBC driver property: ifxPATH. ifxPDQPRIORITY string JDBC driver property: ifxPDQPRIORITY. ifxPLCONFIG string JDBC driver property: ifxPLCONFIG. ifxPLOAD_LO_PATH string JDBC driver property: ifxPLOAD_LO_PATH. ifxPROTOCOLTRACE int JDBC driver property: ifxPROTOCOLTRACE. ifxPROTOCOLTRACEFILE string JDBC driver property: ifxPROTOCOLTRACEFILE. ifxPROXY string JDBC driver property: ifxPROXY. ifxPSORT_DBTEMP string JDBC driver property: ifxPSORT_DBTEMP. ifxPSORT_NPROCS boolean JDBC driver property: ifxPSORT_NPROCS. ifxSECURITY string JDBC driver property: ifxSECURITY. ifxSQLH_FILE string JDBC driver property: ifxSQLH_FILE. ifxSQLH_LOC string JDBC driver property: ifxSQLH_LOC. ifxSQLH_TYPE string JDBC driver property: ifxSQLH_TYPE. ifxSSLCONNECTION string JDBC driver property: ifxSSLCONNECTION. ifxSTMT_CACHE string JDBC driver property: ifxSTMT_CACHE. ifxTRACE int JDBC driver property: ifxTRACE. ifxTRACEFILE string JDBC driver property: ifxTRACEFILE. ifxTRUSTED_CONTEXT string JDBC driver property: ifxTRUSTED_CONTEXT. ifxUSEV5SERVER boolean JDBC driver property: ifxUSEV5SERVER. ifxUSE_DTENV boolean JDBC driver property: ifxUSE_DTENV. loginTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. password Reversably encoded password (string) It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. portNumber int 1526 Port on which to obtain database connections. roleName string JDBC driver property: roleName. serverName string Server where the database is running. user string It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property.
- transaction > dataSource > properties.informix.jcc
Description: Data source properties for the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ for Informix.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description DBANSIWARN boolean JDBC driver property: DBANSIWARN. DBDATE string JDBC driver property: DBDATE. DBPATH string JDBC driver property: DBPATH. DBSPACETEMP string JDBC driver property: DBSPACETEMP. DBTEMP string JDBC driver property: DBTEMP. DBUPSPACE string JDBC driver property: DBUPSPACE. DELIMIDENT boolean JDBC driver property: DELIMIDENT. IFX_DIRECTIVES
- ON
JDBC driver property: IFX_DIRECTIVES.
- ON
- ON
- ON
JDBC driver property: IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES.
- ON
- ON
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
- yes
- no
JDBC driver property: NODEFDAC.
- yes
- yes
- no
- no
- 2
- 1
- 0
JDBC driver property: OPTCOMPIND.
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
JDBC driver property: OPTOFC.
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
JDBC driver property: PDQPRIORITY.
PSORT_DBTEMP string JDBC driver property: PSORT_DBTEMP. PSORT_NPROCS string Maximum: 10
- 1
- 0
JDBC driver property: STMT_CACHE.
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
currentLockTimeout A period of time with second precision 2s JDBC driver property: currentLockTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. databaseName string JDBC driver property: databaseName. deferPrepares boolean JDBC driver property: deferPrepares. driverType int 4 JDBC driver property: driverType. enableNamedParameterMarkers int JDBC driver property: enableNamedParameterMarkers. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO). enableSeamlessFailover int JDBC driver property: enableSeamlessFailover. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO). enableSysplexWLB boolean JDBC driver property: enableSysplexWLB. fetchSize int JDBC driver property: fetchSize. fullyMaterializeLobData boolean JDBC driver property: fullyMaterializeLobData. keepDynamic int JDBC driver property: keepDynamic. loginTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. password Reversably encoded password (string) It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. portNumber int 1526 Port on which to obtain database connections. progressiveStreaming
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: progressiveStreaming. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO).
- 2
- NO
- 1
queryDataSize int Minimum: 4096
Maximum: 10485760
JDBC driver property: queryDataSize. resultSetHoldability
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: resultSetHoldability. Values are: 1 (HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT) or 2 (CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT).
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 1
JDBC driver property: resultSetHoldabilityForCatalogQueries. Values are: 1 (HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT) or 2 (CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT).
- 2
- 1
retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage boolean true JDBC driver property: retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage. securityMechanism
- 3
- 7
- 4
- 9
- 3
- 7
- 4
- 9
serverName string localhost Server where the database is running. traceDirectory string JDBC driver property: traceDirectory. traceFile string JDBC driver property: traceFile. traceFileAppend boolean JDBC driver property: traceFileAppend. traceLevel int Bitwise combination of the following constant values: TRACE_NONE=0, TRACE_CONNECTION_CALLS=1, TRACE_STATEMENT_CALLS=2, TRACE_RESULT_SET_CALLS=4, TRACE_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION=16, TRACE_CONNECTS=32, TRACE_DRDA_FLOWS=64, TRACE_RESULT_SET_META_DATA=128, TRACE_PARAMETER_META_DATA=256, TRACE_DIAGNOSTICS=512, TRACE_SQLJ=1024, TRACE_META_CALLS=8192, TRACE_DATASOURCE_CALLS=16384, TRACE_LARGE_OBJECT_CALLS=32768, TRACE_SYSTEM_MONITOR=131072, TRACE_TRACEPOINTS=262144, TRACE_ALL=-1. useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics int JDBC driver property: useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO). user string It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property.
- transaction > dataSource > properties.microsoft.sqlserver
Description: Data source properties for Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description URL string URL for connecting to the database. Example: jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=myDB. applicationIntent
- ReadOnly
- ReadWrite
JDBC driver property: applicationIntent.
- ReadOnly
- ReadOnly
- ReadWrite
- ReadWrite
applicationName string JDBC driver property: applicationName. authenticationScheme
- NativeAuthentication
- JavaKerberos
JDBC driver property: authenticationScheme.
- NativeAuthentication
- NativeAuthentication
- JavaKerberos
- JavaKerberos
databaseName string JDBC driver property: databaseName. encrypt boolean JDBC driver property: encrypt. failoverPartner string JDBC driver property: failoverPartner. hostNameInCertificate string JDBC driver property: hostNameInCertificate. instanceName string JDBC driver property: instanceName. integratedSecurity boolean JDBC driver property: integratedSecurity. lastUpdateCount boolean JDBC driver property: lastUpdateCount. lockTimeout A period of time with millisecond precision JDBC driver property: lockTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds. loginTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. multiSubnetFailover boolean JDBC driver property: multiSubnetFailover. packetSize int Minimum: 512
Maximum: 32767
JDBC driver property: packetSize. password Reversably encoded password (string) It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. portNumber int 1433 Port on which to obtain database connections. responseBuffering
- full
- adaptive
JDBC driver property: responseBuffering.
- full
- full
- adaptive
- adaptive
- direct
- cursor
JDBC driver property: selectMethod.
- direct
- direct
- cursor
- cursor
sendStringParametersAsUnicode boolean false JDBC driver property: sendStringParametersAsUnicode. sendTimeAsDatetime boolean JDBC driver property: sendTimeAsDatetime. serverName string localhost Server where the database is running. trustServerCertificate boolean JDBC driver property: trustServerCertificate. trustStore string JDBC driver property: trustStore. trustStorePassword Reversably encoded password (string) JDBC driver property: trustStorePassword. user string It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. workstationID string JDBC driver property: workstationID. xopenStates boolean JDBC driver property: xopenStates.
- transaction > dataSource > properties.oracle
Description: Data source properties for Oracle JDBC driver.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description ONSConfiguration string JDBC driver property: ONSConfiguration. TNSEntryName string JDBC driver property: TNSEntryName. URL string URL for connecting to the database. Examples: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/sample or jdbc:oracle:oci:@//localhost:1521/sample. connectionProperties string JDBC driver property: connectionProperties. databaseName string JDBC driver property: databaseName. driverType
- oci
- thin
thin JDBC driver property: driverType.
- oci
- oci
- thin
- thin
loginTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. networkProtocol string JDBC driver property: networkProtocol. password Reversably encoded password (string) It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. portNumber int 1521 Port on which to obtain database connections. serverName string localhost Server where the database is running. serviceName string JDBC driver property: serviceName. user string It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property.
- transaction > dataSource > properties.sybase
Description: Data source properties for Sybase JDBC driver.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description SERVER_INITIATED_TRANSACTIONS
- false
- true
- false
- false
- true
- true
connectionProperties string SELECT_OPENS_CURSOR=true JDBC driver property: connectionProperties. databaseName string JDBC driver property: databaseName. loginTimeout A period of time with second precision JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. networkProtocol
- socket
JDBC driver property: networkProtocol.
- socket
- socket
password Reversably encoded password (string) It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. portNumber int 5000 Port on which to obtain database connections. resourceManagerName string JDBC driver property: resourceManagerName. serverName string localhost Server where the database is running. user string It is recommended to use a container managed authentication alias instead of configuring this property. version int JDBC driver property: version.
- transaction > dataSource > recoveryAuthData
Description: Authentication data for transaction recovery.
Required: false
Data type:
Attribute name Data type Default value Description password Reversably encoded password (string) Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. Stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. user string Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS.