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Bean Validation 1.0

The Bean Validation 1.0 specification provides an annotation based model for validating JavaBeans. It can be used to assert and maintain the integrity of data as it travels through an application.

Enable this feature

To enable the Bean Validation 1.0 feature, add the following element declaration inside the featureManager element in the server.xml file:

Developing a feature that depends on this feature

If we are developing a feature that depends on the Bean Validation 1.0 feature, include the following item in the Subsystem-Content header in the feature manifest file for the new feature:

Features that enable this feature

API packages provided by this feature

Feature configuration elements

We can use the following elements in the server.xml file to configure the Bean Validation 1.0 feature:


Global classloading

Attribute name Data type Default value Description
useJarUrls boolean false Whether to use jar: or wsjar: URLs for referencing files in archives


Shared Library

Attribute name Data type Default value Description
apiTypeVisibility string spec,ibm-api,api The types of API package this library's class loader will be able to see, as a comma-separated list of any combination of the following: spec, ibm-api, api, third-party.
description string Description of shared library for administrators
filesetRef List of references to top level fileset elements (comma-separated string). Id of referenced Fileset
id string A unique configuration ID.
name string Name of shared library for administrators

library > file

Description: Id of referenced File

Required: false

Data type:

Attribute name Data type Default value Description
name Path to a file Fully qualified filename

library > fileset

Description: Id of referenced Fileset

Required: false

Data type:

Attribute name Data type Default value Description
caseSensitive boolean true Boolean to indicate whether or not the search should be case sensitive (default: true).
dir Path to a directory ${server.config.dir} The base directory to search for files.
excludes string The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to exclude from the search results, by default no files are excluded.
includes string * The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to include in the search results (default: *).
scanInterval A period of time with millisecond precision 0 Scanning interval to check the fileset for changes as a long with a time unit suffix h-hour, m-minute, s-second, ms-millisecond (e.g. 2ms or 5s). Disabled (scanInterval=0) by default. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.

library > folder

Description: Id of referenced folder

Required: false

Data type:

Attribute name Data type Default value Description
dir Path to a directory Directory or folder to be included in the library classpath for locating resource files