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How connection pooling configuration updates are applied

If we change the attributes of the connectionManager element while a server is running, the updates to different attributes are applied at different times and in different ways.

You configure a connection pool by specifying the attributes of the connectionManager element in server.xml. If we change these attributes for a running server, the updates are applied at different times and in different ways, depending on which attribute is changed. The following table describes, for each attribute of the connectionManager element, how a configuration change is applied at run time.

applied at run time . The first column of the table lists the attributes of the connectionManager element. The second column describes, for each attribute, how the configuration
Attribute name How the configuration update is applied
agedTimeout The update is effective immediately.
connectionTimeout The update is effective immediately.
maxIdleTime The update is effective immediately.
maxNumberOfMCsAllowableInThread The update is effective immediately.
maxPoolSize The update is effective immediately.
minPoolSize The update is effective immediately.
numConnectionsPerThreadLocal The update is effective immediately.
reapTime The update is effective immediately.
purgePolicy The update is effective immediately.

The attributes agedTimeout and maxIdleTime are updated immediately. However, they are not used fully unless the value of reapTime attribute is greater than zero.

Because updates to the connection manager are effective immediately, errors might occur if we make changes with active connections; including the potential risks for the connections to be ended prematurely.

Parent topic: Configure connection pooling for database connections