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server command options


The server command supports starting, stopping, creating, packaging, and dumping a Liberty profile server. This topic describes available options and exit codes we can use with the server command and the equivalent executable jar file ws-server.jar.


See available administration operations for the Liberty profile from the command prompt.

If serverName is not specified, the action is performed against the default server instance, defaultServer.


Server Process

The server process is created using the environment variables specified in server.env. The following JVM options are added by default:

We can use jvm.options to override these default JVM options or add additional JVM options.

By default. the server command sets the umask value to deny all permissions to "Other" users before running the action. We can set the WLP_SKIP_UMASK environment variable to true to avoid setting the umask value.

The current working directory of the server process is set to the server output directory.

The standard output and error from the server process is output to the foreground console when using the run and debug actions and is redirected to...

...by default when using the start action. The log name can be changed by setting the LOG_FILE environment variable, and the log directory can be changed by setting the LOG_DIR environment variable. See Logging and Trace.

Exit codes

The following exit codes are available for the server command and the equivalent executable JAR file ws-server.jar:


Parent topic: Administer the Liberty profile from the command prompt

Generate a server dump from the command prompt
Packaging a Liberty profile server from the command prompt
Create a Liberty profile server manually
Use Ant to automate tasks
Embedding the Liberty profile server in the applications
Customize the Liberty profile environment
Administer the Liberty profile from the command prompt