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Custom user login form

The WebSphere Application Server OAuth service provider includes a form login page for a user to submit a user name and password.

We can customize our own form login page, but it must be implemented as required in the form-based authentication in the servlet specification. In this form, the action must be j_security_check, and use the j_username input field to get the user name. The action must also use the j_password input field to get the user password. The custom form login page must be provided as an unprotected web resource.

To use the custom form login page for a specific OAuth20 service provider, update the service provider definition in server.xml. In the provider configuration, add the customLoginURL attribute and specify the login page URL as the value.

The following is an example custom login page entry in the provider definition:

<oauthProvider id="OAuthConfigSample"

Make sure that any files included in the form-login page (such as external style sheets, or images) are unprotected.

Parent topic: Customize an OAuth provider


OpenID Connect custom forms