Update a file attachment 

Update an attachment to a file in your file collection programmatically.

This request requires authentication. To update an attachment, the currently authenticated user must be the owner of the user library containing the document, an administrator, or have been shared with as an editor. To test whether the current user can update a file attachment, use the Retrieve file metadata API with the acls parameter set to true , and check the <td:permission> element for the EditContent flag.

See Authenticating requests for information about how to authenticate the request.

Table 1. Atom API request details

Method Resource address Input representation Description
PUT /basic/api/myuserlibrary/document/{document-id}/attachment/{attachment-id}/entry entry resource

multipart content

Updates a file attachment.

Note: {document-id} is the value of the <td:uuid> or <td:label> element in the Atom entry document of the file with the attachment. {attachment-id} is the value of the <td:uuid> or <td:label> elements in the attachment's Atom entry document.

You can use one or more of these headers.

Table 2. Input headers

Parameter Required Description
Content-Type Yes Used to specify the mime type for the content being sent to the server. If the collection does not support the specified content type, the server returns HTTP response code 415 (Unsupported media type).

When a media resource is posted, the mime-type of the resource is set to this value if it is provided. Otherwise, the mime-type of the extension of the Slug header is used. A Content-Type that is an empty string, white space only, or equal to "unknown/unknown" is considered to be not-specified. If this header is not present on the request, then the server returns HTTP response code of 400 (Bad request).

Content-Language Yes Specifies the language of the content being sent to the server. All contents are handled using UTF-8 encoding on the server.
Content-Length Yes Specifies the content length when sending media content. If this header is not present on the request, then the server returns HTTP response code of 411 (Length required).
Slug Yes Contains the file path and label of the resource to be added to the file. You can include nonASCII characters in this header, but they must be correctly encoded according to RFC 2047.
X-Method-Override Yes Tunnels a PUT request over the HTTP POST request.

You can use one or more of these input parameters with the request. Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).

Table 3. Input parameters

Parameter Description
identifier Indicates how the document is identified in the {document-id} variable segment of the web address. By default, the lookup operation is performed with the expectation that the URL contains the value from the <td:uuid> element of a document Atom entry, so the value uuid is used. Specify label if the URL instead contains the value from the <td:label> element of a document Atom entry. This parameter is only supported when creating a media resource file attachment.
lockParent Specifies whether to lock the parent resource. Options are true or false. The default value is false.
submitParent Specifies whether to submit the parent resource for approval if approval is enabled on the server. Options are true or false. The default value is false.


The following types of file attachments are supported:


An Atom document representing the updated file attachment.

Returned HTTP headers

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Error codes

Parent topic

Work with file attachments programmatically

Related reference
File attachment content





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