Update a blog post awaiting approval 

To update a blog post that is waiting to be approved, send a moderation action entry in Atom format to the href attribute of the entry's rel=edit link. You can update the entry's title, content and tag elements only.

Only the moderator or blog owner can update the entry. See Authenticating requests for information about how to authenticate the request.

To update a blog post...

  1. Retrieve the moderation service document. See Retrieve the Blogs moderation service document for more details.

  2. In the service document, locate the workspace with the <atom:category term="entries-moderation" .../> child element, and then find the collection with the <atom:category term="approval-content" .../> child element, and make a note of the web address in its href attribute.

  3. Send a GET request to the web address you copied from the previous step. In the returned feed, find the entry that you want to update, and make a note of the web address for it, which is specified in the href attribute of its rel=edit link.

  4. Send a GET request to the URL that you noted in the previous step to retrieve the Atom document for the blog posting entry.

  5. Edit the Atom document to make your changes.

      Note: The only updates that will be applied are changes that you make to the title, content, and tag elements.

  6. Send a PUT request to the href of the rel=edit link to update it.

Table 1. Atom API request details

Method Resource URI Input representation
PUT blog post entry Value of the href attribute of the <link rel="edit"> element of each entry in the Entry Approval feed. blog post entry


Provide a blog post Atom entry document.

Note: The content type of the Atom entry document must be application/atom+xml.



Returned HTTP headers

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Error codes

Parent topic

Work with blog posts that are awaiting approval





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