Remove a pin from a file programmatically 

Removes the file from the myfavorites feed.

This request requires authentication.

See Authenticating requests for information about how to authenticate the request.

Table 1. Atom API request details

Method URI Input and output representations
DELETE /basic/api/myfavorites/documents/feed none

You can provide the following request header.

Table 2. Request header

Parameter Description
X-Method-Override Tunnels a DELETE request over an HTTP POST.

You can provide the following input parameter.

Table 3. Input parameter

Parameter Description
itemId String. Uuid that uniquely identifies the document. The uuid is defined in the <td:uuid> element in the Atom entry document of the file.


Provide either an Atom document representing the file as input to the request or identify the file by providing the itemId parameter on the request.



Returned HTTP headers

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Error codes

Parent topic

Work with pinned files





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