Inviting people to join a community 

Extend your community by inviting people to become members.

About this task

As a community owner, you can reach out to people who you think might be interested in your community by inviting them to become members. Members of a public community can also invite people to join the community. The invitees receive an email notification inviting them to join the community, and they can then choose whether to accept or reject the invitation.

You can invite people to join only as regular members of a community; you cannot invite them to join as owners of the community.


To invite people to join a community...

  1. From the My Communities tab, select the community to which you want to invite new members.

  2. Click Members in the navigation pane.

  3. Click Invite Members.

  4. Type the names of the people that you want to invite in the Members field. Type-ahead predicts the name that you are typing by comparing it to names in the directory that your administrator specified. If it proposes the name that you want, click to add it.

  5. Click Send Invites.

What to do next

You can view all the pending invitations for a community from the Invitations tab on the community's Members page. The tab displays information about when each invitation was sent and who it was sent to.

Parent topic

How do I add community members?

Related tasks

Add members to a community
Accept membership requests





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