Install the Lotus Quickr connector in silent mode 

Install the IBM Lotus Quickr connector for Communities in silent mode when you want to use a response file to automate installation.


To install the Lotus Quickr connector in silent mode...

  1. Open a command prompt and enter one of the following commands.

    • AIX , Linuxâ„¢, or Linux on System z :

    • Microsoftâ„¢ Windowsâ„¢:


      When you run the commands above, you are asked to configure the silent install process. After you do this, a response file named LC.rsp is generated in the following directory:


  2. Change to one of the following directories.

    • AIX, Linux, or Linux on System z:


    • Microsoft Windows:


  3. Enter one of the following commands to install the connector:

    • AIX, Linux, or Linux on System z:

    • Microsoft Windows:


Parent topic

Install the IBM Connections Connector for Lotus Quickr

Related tasks

Uninstall the Lotus Quickr connector in silent mode





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