How do I find files?
There are many different ways to see lists of files. You can sort, filter, switch between different presentations, and search for specific keywords.
About this task
Before you log in, you can search for public files, and read and download them. After you log in, you can also find your own files, files shared with you, and files shared by you. To log in, click Log in and start sharing!.Switch between detailed and compact versions of lists by clicking the Display icons above the list.
In some file lists, private files are marked with a private icon
, shared files are marked with a shared icon
, and public files are marked with a public icon
. If a file is both public and shared with specific people, it is marked with a public icon.
- Do any one of the following to find files:
Option Description To find files you pinned Click Pinned Files in the navigation box. To pin a file, click the thumbtack icon next to the file in a list, or open the file and click the pin icon.
To find files you uploaded Click My Files in the navigation box. To find files people shared with you Click Shared With Me in the navigation box. These are files shared by other people specifically with you. Files shared with you might also be public.
To find files you shared with people Click Shared By Me in the navigation box. These are files you shared with specific people. Files shared by you might also be public.
To find public files Click Public Files in the navigation box. To find a particular person's files Click the person's name anywhere in Files. You see a list of their public files and any files they have shared with you. To search for files Select an item in the search menu, such as All Files, type characters into the search field, and then click the search icon. IBM Connections returns files with those characters in the title, description, or file contents. (Select All Connections to search all content in IBM Connections.) See Search across IBM Connections.
- Do any of the following to filter a list of files, such as My Files:
Option Description To show files by tag Expand the Tags or Public tags section and click a tag in the tag cloud. Click list to see tags listed. Or type a tag into the field and click the search icon to return files with that tag. To show files by how they are shared
- Click Pinned Files or My Files.
- Expand the Sharing section.
- Click any of the following links:
- with everyone (public)
- with one or more people
- with no one (private)
- Click Shared With Me or Shared by Me.
- Expand the Sharing section.
- Click and public or and not public. Or find a specific person by typing their name in the search field.
To show files by date Expand the date section. It could be any of the following, depending on the file list you are viewing:
- The Date updated section is in the Pinned Files and My Files lists.
- The Date shared section is in the Shared With Me and Shared By Me lists.
- The Date created section is in the Public Files list.
Then click Today, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, or Last 365 days.
To show other people's files you can edit In the Shared With Me view, expand the Role section, and then click editor. To show your files other people can edit In the Shared By Me view, expand the Role section, and then click editor. To add columns to a view In any folder view, click Customize. Select data to display in columns in the view, and then click Show.
Parent topic
Files overviews, how-tos, and FAQsRelated concepts
Welcome to Files
Who can work with files?
What happens to my file when someone edits it?
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