How do I edit documents? 

Download custom library documents to your computer to edit them. Then replace the current version of the document with your edited version.

About this task

You can also edit documents with IBM Lotus Quickr Connectors. See How do I edit documents with connectors?.

This topic includes the optional step of checking out a document before you edit it. Checking out a document locks it so no one else can replace the document while you are working on it. This gives you some control over edits, and avoids conflict errors if you and another person try to replace the document at the same time.


Perform these steps to edit documents:

  1. Optional: Check out the document to lock it. No one else can edit the document while it is checked out.

    1. Click the document title in any view to open its summary page.

    2. Click Check Out. Documents that are locked are indicated by a small lock icon Lock icon ..

        Note: To unlock the document, click the down arrow and click Check In or Cancel check out. Check In makes the your edited version the current version and unlocks the document. Canceling a check out deletes any drafts and unlocks the document.

  2. Download the document.

    1. In the summary page, click Download this file.

    2. Save the document on your local computer according to your browser, for example in Microsoft™ Internet Explorer click Save.

  3. Edit the document on your computer.

  4. Replace the document.

    1. In the summary page, click Replace.

        Note: If a draft was created, open the private draft summary page by clicking View private draft, and then click Replace.

    2. Click Browse and navigate to the file on your computer.

    3. Perform one of the following steps:

      • Click Check In. This replaces the current public document with the version on your computer, and then unlocks it.

      • Click Save as Draft to replace the current draft document with the version on your computer, and keep it locked. When you are ready to make the draft the public version, click Check In.

Parent topic

Use custom libraries

Related tasks

How do I edit documents with connectors?


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