Get the Subcommunities feed 

Get a list of subcommunities associated with a community.

Table 1. Atom API request details

Resource Description
Available from the href attribute of the <link> element associated with the community of interest that has a rel="" attribute value in the My Communities collection. A feed of subcommunities.

Use one or more of the input parameters to narrow the search. Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).

Table 2. Input parameters

Parameter Description
asc Specifies whether the results should be displayed in ascending order. Options are true or false. This parameter is ignored if the sortOrder parameter is provided.
page Page number. Specifies the page to be returned. The default is 1.
ps Page size. Specify the number of entries to return per page.
since Includes in the resulting feed all communities updated after a specified date. Specify the date using a date-time value that conforms to RFC3339. Use an upper case "T" to separate the date and time, and an uppercase "Z" in the absence of a numeric time zone offset. For example: 2009-01-04T20:32:31.171Z.
sortBy Specifies the characteristic by which to sort the results. Options are:

    Sorts the results by last modified date.


    Sorts the results by popularity.


    Sorts the results by title element value.

The default value of this parameter is modified.

sortOrder Specifies the order in which to display the results. Options are:

  • asc. Ascending order

  • desc. Descending order

The default value of this parameter is desc.

sortField Specifies the characteristic by which to sort the results. Options are:

    Sorts the results by relevance.


    Sorts the results by last modified date.


    Sorts the results by entry name.

This parameter is ignored if the sortBy parameter is provided.


<feed> <id> communityUuid=055f503b-454b-4f30-8ba7-b21b6e2a77a7 </id> <updated>2010-09-14T21:28:32.500Z</updated> <title type="text">Day Care - Subcommunities</title> <link href="" rel="alternate"/> <generator uri="" version=""> IBM Connections - Communities </generator> <opensearch:totalResults>1</opensearch:totalResults> <opensearch:startIndex>1</opensearch:startIndex> <opensearch:itemsPerPage>10</opensearch:itemsPerPage> <link href=" communityUuid=055f503b-454b-4f30-8ba7-b21b6e2a77a7" rel="self"/> <link href="" rel="" type="application/atomsvc+xml"/> <link href=" communityUuid=055f503b-454b-4f30-8ba7-b21b6e2a77a7&outputType=categories" rel="" type="application/atomcat+xml"/> <entry> <id> 9dc395ef-bcc3-4cc8-88c5-18fa1aa91d4b </id> <title type="text">Massachusetts area</title> <summary type="text"> Share information and resources about day care options in the Massachusetts area. </summary> <content type="html"/> <published>2010-09-14T21:23:55.981Z</published> <author> <name>Sally Mar</name> <email></email> <snx:userid>50730340-0101-102e-88e1-f78755f7e0ed</snx:userid> <snx:userState>active</snx:userState> </author> <updated>2010-09-14T21:23:56.047Z</updated> <contributor> <name>Sally Mar</name> <email></email> <snx:userid>50730340-0101-102e-88e1-f78755f7e0ed</snx:userid> <snx:userState>active</snx:userState> </contributor> <category term="community" scheme=""/> <link href=" communityUuid=9dc395ef-bcc3-4cc8-88c5-18fa1aa91d4b" rel="self"/> <link href=" communityUuid=9dc395ef-bcc3-4cc8-88c5-18fa1aa91d4b" rel="edit"/> <link href=" communityUuid=9dc395ef-bcc3-4cc8-88c5-18fa1aa91d4b" rel="alternate" type="text/html"/> <link href=" communityUuid=9dc395ef-bcc3-4cc8-88c5-18fa1aa91d4b&lastMod=1284499436047" rel=""/> <link href=" communityUuid=9dc395ef-bcc3-4cc8-88c5-18fa1aa91d4b" rel="" type="application/atomsvc+xml"/> <link href=" communityUuid=9dc395ef-bcc3-4cc8-88c5-18fa1aa91d4b" rel="" type="application/atom+xml"/> <link href=" communityUuid=9dc395ef-bcc3-4cc8-88c5-18fa1aa91d4b" rel="" type="application/atom+xml"/> <link href=" communityUuid=9dc395ef-bcc3-4cc8-88c5-18fa1aa91d4b" rel="" type="application/atom+xml"/> <link href=" remoteApplications?communityUuid=9dc395ef-bcc3-4cc8-88c5-18fa1aa91d4b" rel="" type="application/atom+xml"/> <link href=" communityUuid=9dc395ef-bcc3-4cc8-88c5-18fa1aa91d4b" rel="" type="application/atom+xml"/> <link href=" communityUuid=9dc395ef-bcc3-4cc8-88c5-18fa1aa91d4b" rel="" type="application/atom+xml"/> <snx:membercount>2</snx:membercount> <snx:communityType>public</snx:communityType> <snx:handle>ma</snx:handle> <link href=" communityUuid=055f503b-454b-4f30-8ba7-b21b6e2a77a7" rel="" type="application/atom+xml"/> </entry> </feed>

Parent topic

Getting Communities feeds

Related reference
Retrieve a subcommunity





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