Configure favicons and changing the default favicon
Use these settings to configure favicons or replacing the default favicon for a Bookmarks deployment.
Before starting
Icons for bookmarks give users a visual guide to different bookmarks. You can manage many of the settings for how bookmark icons display in your deployment.IBM Connections supplies a default icon for bookmarks that are not associated with an icon. When you bookmark a page that does not have an icon associated with it, the default icon, default.gif, is placed in the favorite folder where the Bookmarks service is installed. For example, C:\Program files\IBM\LotusConnections\Data\dogear\favorite on a Windows™ installation. To customize the default icon for your IBM Connections deployment, replace the default.gif file with the one you want to use. To revert to the default, delete the default.gif file and the Bookmarks service will recreate the default file the next time a default icon is requested.
To edit configuration files that control configurable settings for bookmark icons, use the wsadmin client. See Starting the wsadmin client for details.
About this task
Follow these steps to configure settings for favicons.
- Access the Bookmarks configuration file as described in the topic Access the Bookmarks configuration file.
- To update configuration properties enter the appropriate key into the following command:
DogearCellConfig.updateConfig(‘ [key]', ‘ [value]') where: [key] is a valid cell-level configuration setting [value] is the new value for the setting. Example: wsadmin>DogearCellConfig.updateConfig('favIconService.favicon.maxAge','60')The keys for changing favicons and the values the keys can accept are as follows:
Option Description favIconService.favicon.maxAge Integer. Small (fav) icons are displayed to end users next to each bookmark. Bookmarks downloads and caches these icons from the hosts servers for each URL. This setting determines length of time (in days) an icon remains cached locally before an updated copy is retrieved.
Default is 90 days.
favIconService.favicon.maxSize Integer. Small (fav) icons are displayed to end users next to each bookmark. Bookmarks downloads and caches these icons from the hosts servers for each URL. This setting provides a cap (in KB) on the size of the cached icon to control image file size. The default is 6 KB. String. Note: Although you can change this setting in the configuration file, the recommended approach is to set this location from the websphere Application Server administrator console. For more information, see the topic "Changing the location of the favicon cache or full-text index."
Determines where the favicon image caches will be stored on the file system. This will be located on the local file system of each node machine.favIconService.favicon.queuesize Integer. Starting from Connections 2.5, the request to update the favicon of a specific webpage will be handled by a scheduled task running at the server. Such requests will be put in the task queue and be consumed when the favicon is updated. This setting defines the maximum size of the requests the task queue can contain. When the queue is full, new requests will be discarded until the requests in queue are consumed. The default is 100.
favIconService.favicon.start Integer. Provides the time (in minutes) the favicon task will start after Bookmarks service starts. The default is 5 minutes.
favicon.ajaxproxy.intranet.enabled Boolean If set to True, Bookmarks loads bookmark favicons via the AJAX proxy; if False, favicons are loaded via direct network access.
- See Apply property changes for information about how to save and apply your changes.
Change the location of the favicon cache
Change the default directory for the favicon cache from the IBM websphere Application Server (WAS) administrator console.
Parent topic
Administer Bookmarks