Blogs API navigation image description 

This image identifies the order in which to access the resources. It begins with the Service document. Within the service document, you can find the following workspaces: a Blogs workspace and one <blog_title> workspace for each blog. From the Blogs workspace, you can access the My blogs feed, from which you can access a Blog definition for each blog. From each <blog_title> workspace, you can access one of the following resources: Blog postings comments, Blog postings, Media links, or a tags category document. From the Blog postings comments resource, you can access a posting comment. From Blog postings, you can access either a blog posting or a tags category document. From the blog posting, you can access either posting comments or the Recommendations feed. From the posting comments resource, you can access a single posting comment, and you can access a recommendation made for the comment. From the Recommendations feed, you can access a recommendation entry. From the Media links resource, you can access either a media link or a media resource.





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