What is an entry?
An activity entry is a unit of content that you add to an activity. The types of content that you can add include text, files, and bookmarks. You can also add to-do entries and custom entry types that you define.
Each entry includes a title and some type of content. You can also add an optional text description and tags to an entry. The description text and tags can be searched to help you find the entry later.
By default, entries in an activity are shared with all members of the activity. You can hide an entry from other members by marking it private. You can add the following types of entries to an activity:
Entry type Description Standard You can add a formatted text message, one or more file attachments, and one or more bookmarks which reference Web pages. You can also add one or more custom fields to the entry to create name, text, and date fields. After adding attachments, bookmarks, and new fields, you can change the field labels to reflect the information that is being provided in the fields, file attachments, and bookmarks. To Do Item A to-do entry that you author within an activity. You can include a due date and assign the entry to a specific member of the activity. When the task is completed, you can select the to-do item check box to mark it completed. Like a standard entry, you can add one or more file attachments and one or more bookmarks which reference Web pages to a to-do item. You can also add one or more custom fields to the to-do item to create name, text, and date fields. After adding attachments, bookmarks, and new fields, you can change the field labels. Custom An entry created from an entry template. An entry template is a prototype of an entry. If you create an entry that you want to reuse, you can save it as an entry template, and use the template the next time you create an entry. For example, if you are using an activity to collect team member status reports, you can create a standard entry, and add new fields to it to collect team member names, status report dates, and other information. You can then save that standard entry as a new entry template named Status Report. After it is saved, when you and other activity members create an entry to capture status information, you can choose the entry template named Status Report from the list of entry types to create. Custom entries can be created and reused within one activity only. Comment To add a quick comment to an activity, create a standard entry and add the comment to the Title field. You can also add a comment as a response to another entry. When creating a comment as a response to an entry, you can add one or more file attachments and one or more bookmarks, but you cannot add custom fields. Related Activity A reference link to an existing activity. The membership list and due date of the related activity can differ from those of the main activity. You must be a member of the related activity to be able to access it through a related activity link. Notes document A reference to an existing Lotus Notes document. In Notes 8 and later, you can add a Notes document to an activity by dragging it to the Activities sidebar. In Notes 6.x or 7.x, you can add a Notes document to an activity by using the Lotus Connections Plug-in for Notes. To open the document, members of an activity must have access to the original document. Mail message A rich text rendering of an e-mail message that was added from the Lotus Notes client. After being added to the activity, you can not edit the content of the mail message. In Notes 8 and later, you can add a Notes mail message to an activity by dragging it to the Activities sidebar. In Notes 6.x or 7.x, you can add a Notes mail message to an activity by using the Lotus Connections Plug-in for Notes. Sametime chat transcript A transcript from a Lotus Sametime chat. Add a chat to an activity from the Sametime client using the Lotus Connections Plug-in for Sametime.
You can download the plug-ins for Sametime, Notes, and other extensions from the Lotus Connections Catalog. To access the catalog, go to the following external Web site:
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