How do I create wikis?
You can create a wiki from the Public Wikis tab or from the My Wikis tab.
Do the following to create a wiki:
- Click the Start a Wiki button.
- Type a wiki name.
- Below Who can read this wiki? select one of the following:
- All users: Everyone can read the wiki, including people who have not logged in.
- Wiki member only: Only people you make members can read the wiki.
- Below Who can edit this wiki? select one of the following:
- All logged in users: Everyone who logs in can edit the wiki.
- Wiki editors and managers only: Only people you have granted editor or manager access.
- Optional: Click the x next to names to remove people's access.
- Optional: Below Add members do the following:
- Select one of these roles:
- Editor: Editors can read, edit, comment, create, recommend, and delete pages.
- Reader: Readers can read, comment, and recommend pages.
- Manager: Managers can read, edit, comment, create, recommend, and delete pages, tag the wiki, and change the wiki description.
- Type the name of a person, and then select the name.
If you choose not to add members here, you can add them after you create the wiki. See the topic How do I add and remove wiki members?
- Optional: Below Add groups link and do the following:
- Select one of these roles:
- Editor: Editors can read, edit, comment, create, recommend, and delete pages.
- Reader: Readers can read, comment, and recommend pages.
- Manager: Managers can read, edit, comment, create, recommend, and delete pages, tag the wiki, and change the wiki description.
- Type the name of a group, and then select the name.
If you choose not to add groups here, you can add them after you create the wiki. See the topic How do I add and remove wiki members?
- Optional: Below Add tags type tags, separated by spaces, to associate with the wiki.
- Optional: Click Add a description, and type a description of the wiki. The description displays in wiki lists.
- Click Create Wiki.
Wikis overviews, how-tos, and FAQs