Uninstall Lotus Connections
There are some additional steps take to uninstall a network deployment of Lotus Connections.
- Uninstall a stand-alone deployment
Uninstall a stand-alone deployment of Lotus Connections from your system.- Uninstall a network deployment
Uninstall a network deployment of Lotus Connections or remove selected features.- Manually uninstalling Lotus Connections
Uninstall Lotus Connections without using the uninstallation wizard.- Uninstalling: Remove files
After uninstalling Lotus Connections, or a subset of features, clean up your system by removing redundant files and directories.- Uninstalling: delete databases with the database wizard
Use the database wizard to delete databases.- Uninstalling: Manually drop databases
After you have uninstalled a Lotus Connections feature, you can drop related databases by using the database wizard or by following this manual procedure.