Change the display language
If your administrator has enabled it, you can change the language used in the user interface so that all of the IBM Lotus Connections features display in your preferred language. This feature also allows you to override the language settings that are detected from your browser.
The feature that allows you to change the language setting in Lotus Connections is disabled by default. Your administrator must enable it. To find out if the feature is enabled, look for your name in the navigation bar. If a language name is displayed beside your name, then the feature is enabled.
Selecting a different display language changes the language dictionary that is used by Search, which means that your search results are more likely to contain information in the selected language. However, the results might also contain content in other languages, if that content contains text that matches your search term. For example, let's say you want to search for a term in French so you change the display language from English to French. Content in French is more likely to appear in your search results and is also more likely to be prioritized in the results. Content in English might also be returned by the search, but it is likely to appear further down the list.Changing your browser locale also changes the language dictionary that is used for searching.
When you change the display language, the linguistic analysis on the query terms is performed according to the language that you select. For example, when searching for the term "talk" in English, you might expect to get results containing the terms "talks", "talked", and "talking". When you change the display language to French, and you perform a search for "parle", you might expect to get results containing "parler" or "parlons."
To change the display language...
- Click the arrow next to the language displayed beside your name in the navigation bar.
- Select a language from the list.
If the list does not include your preferred language, and your preferred language is defined in the locale setting of the Web browser that you are using, select Browser Setting.
The page is refreshed and the user interface is displayed in the selected language. If you do not see a change, refresh the page.
Search overviews, how-tos, and FAQs